Entertainment / Golf / Wrap: A layer of something (usually tape) under a grip (applied to the shaft, before the grip is put on) for the purpose of increasing the size (circumference) of the grip
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Wrap Verb Synonyms: stole, shawl, mantle, poncho, serape, cloak, cape
Business / Finance / Wrap Account: A multilateral agency that administers world trade agreements, fosters trade relations among nations, and solves trade disputes among member countries. MORE
Entertainment / Basketball / Wraparound: In the wraparound, the ballhandler dribbles the ball behind his/her back, switching it to his/her other hand. This move can be used when the defender attempts a steal, allowing the ballhandler to begi MORE
Business / Finance / Wraparound Annuity: An investment consulting relationship for management of a client's funds by one or more money managers, that bills all fees and commissions in one comprehensive fee charged quarterly. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Wraparound Commercial: A commercial with noncommercial material wrapped around it, such as a question about a past sports event at the beginning and the answer at the end: sometimes called an insert, as when it is inserted MORE
Business / Construction / Wrapped Drywall: Areas that get complete drywall covering, as in the doorway openings of bifold and bipass closet doors. MORE
Business / Finance / Wraparound Mortgage: An investment that allows the annuitant the choice of underlying investments tax-deferred. MORE