Pass Out

Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Pass Out: When an attacking player, who is behind his opponentís goal, has the puck and he passes it to a teammate who is in front of the opponentís goal.
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Other Words for Out

Out Adverb Synonyms: outside, outdoors, in or into the open air
Out Adjective Synonyms: outlying, distant, far-off, peripheral

Other Words for Pass

Pass Noun Synonyms: free pass, complimentary ticket, twofer, Annie Oakley
Pass Verb Synonyms: evacuate, void, eliminate, excrete, defecate, urinate
Pass Adjective Synonyms: proceed, move (onwards), go (ahead), progress, extend, lie, run, flow, fly, roll, course, stream, drift, sweep

Passenger name record (PNR)

Life Style / Travel / Passenger name record (PNR) : The official name of one's reservation in a computer reservation system (crs). MORE

Passenger Pegs

Technology / Motorcycle / Passenger Pegs: Passenger Pegs are pegs wide enough to support the foot of a passenger (pillion) while riding. They are mounted directly under the passenger. Sometimes, floorboards are used in the place of Passenger MORE

Passenger Facility Charge (Pfc)

Life Style / Travel / Passenger Facility Charge (Pfc): An airport tax that is authorized by the us congress for upgrading and expanding local airport facilities charged per customer. Currently the tax must be between $3 and $12 on any single transaction. MORE

Passed Ball

Entertainment / Baseball / Passed Ball: A pitch that is not wild which is missed or dropped by the catcher allowing the runner to advance. MORE


Entertainment / Ballet / Passe: As a position passe means when a foot is placed near or on the other knee. As a movement passe refers to the working foot passing close to the knee of the standing leg. When the foot arrives by the kn MORE

Passenger Type

Life Style / Travel / Passenger Type: Provides the ability to specify fares and fees based on the classification of the passenger. MORE