Entertainment / Liquor / Havana Club Barrel Proof: Havana Club Barrel Proof is a unique concept in rum as in the fact it is bottled straight from the barrel at 45%
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Club Noun Synonyms: association, society, organization, fraternity, sorority, fellowship, brotherhood, sisterhood, federation, union, guild, lodge, alliance, league, order, consortium, company
Club Verb Synonyms: cudgel, bat, bludgeon, mace, billy, truncheon, baton, staff, stick, cosh, blackjack
Proof Noun Synonyms: evidence, verification, corroboration, confirmation, validation, authentication, ratification, substantiation, documentation, document, facts, data, certification, testimony, ammunition
Business / Finance / Investment Club: A group of people who combine their money into a larger pool, then invest collectively in stocks and bonds, making decisions as a group. MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Leader In The Clubhouse: The player with the lowest score having completed regulation play MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Lens Barrel: Metal or plastic tube with a blackened inner surface, in which the lens elements and mechanical components of the lens are mounted. MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Less Club: (also 'club down') using a shorter, more lofted club MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Hybrid Club: (also 'hybrid iron, hybrid wood') a club that combines playing characteristics of both woods and irons: one valid method for differentiating between hybrid irons and hybrid woods is whether the face i MORE
Life Style / Time Shares / Holiday Club-Vacation Club: An organization which provides a number of timeshare weeks to members. In some parts of the world these organizations may not be covered by laws regulating timeshare sales. For this reason certain 'ho MORE