Havana Club Maximo Extra Anejo

Entertainment / Liquor / Havana Club Maximo Extra Anejo: Havana Club Maximo Extra Anejo is hand crafted from extra rare aged rums and enshrined in a crystal decanter
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Other Words for Club

Club Noun Synonyms: association, society, organization, fraternity, sorority, fellowship, brotherhood, sisterhood, federation, union, guild, lodge, alliance, league, order, consortium, company
Club Verb Synonyms: cudgel, bat, bludgeon, mace, billy, truncheon, baton, staff, stick, cosh, blackjack

Other Words for Extra

Extra Adjective Synonyms: addition, addendum, accessory, appurtenance, supplement, bonus, premium, dividend
Extra Noun Synonyms: supernumerary, walk-on, super, spear-carrier
Extra Verb Synonyms: additional, added, auxiliary, accessory, supplementary, supplemental, further, ancillary, subsidiary, collateral, adventitious

Glee Club

Entertainment / Music / Glee Club: Specialized vocal ensemble that performs popular music, college songs and more serious works. MORE


Science / Psychiatry / Extraversion: A state in which attention and energies are largely directed outward from the self as opposed to inward toward the self, as in introversion. MORE

Havana Club 3 Anos

Entertainment / Liquor / Havana Club 3 Anos: Havana Club 3 Anos is the most prestigious of all the white rums and adds an air of quality to any blend or cocktail. MORE

Havana Club Anejo

Entertainment / Liquor / Havana Club Anejo: Havana Club Anejo blanco reflects cubas experience in making light white rums MORE

Havana Club Anejo 7 Anos

Entertainment / Liquor / Havana Club Anejo 7 Anos: Havana Club Anejo 7 Anos embodies cuban rum making excellence and is recognised as one of the best named rums in the world MORE

Extratropical Cyclone

Science / Weather / Extratropical Cyclone: Any cyclone that is no longer tropical in origin. Generally considered to be a migratory frontal cyclone found in the middle and high latitudes. MORE