Entertainment / Literature / Stroke Letter: In paleography, a stroke letter was one made mostly from minims (i.e., straight vertical lines). These included the letters i, m, n, u, and v. Such stroke letters in medieval handwriting are often hard to distinguish from one another when written in close proximity to each other. This led to scribes inventing modifications like the dotted i and the 'descender' letters j and y to help distinguish them visually.
Search Google for Stroke Letter:
Letter Noun Synonyms: character, symbol, sign
Stroke Noun Synonyms: action, motion, go, move, movement, feat, achievement
Stroke Verb Synonyms: flourish, movement, gesture, mark, dash, splash
Stroke Adjective Synonyms: blow, rap, tap, thump, knock, smack, whack, swipe, slam, strike, wallop
Entertainment / Golf / Penalty Stroke: A stroke that must be added to the score, for a variety of reasons (e.g., lost ball, unplayable lie), in accordance with the rules of golf MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Pop Stroke: A (typically putting) stroke characterized by an abrupt little 'hit' or twitch of force at the ball rather than a smooth acceleration through the ball MORE
Business / Finance / Private Letter Ruling: A ruling by the IRS in response to a request for interpretation of a tax law. MORE