Cold-Light Enlarger

Entertainment / Photography / Cold-Light Enlarger: Enlarger using cold cathode illumination. A diffusion type of enlarger. These types of enlarger heads scatter the light more evenly across the surface of the negative. One advantage of the cold light head is that it can render more subtle tonal gradations and will minimize the effect of dust and scratches on the negative which are translated to the print.
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Entertainment / Photography / Enlarger: Apparatus for producing prints by projecting a negative or transparency on sensitive paper. MORE

Modular Enlarger

Entertainment / Photography / Modular Enlarger: Is an enlarger with interchangeable filtration heads and illuminations systems. MORE

Diffusion Enlarger

Entertainment / Photography / Diffusion Enlarger: Enlarger that scatters light before it strikes the negative, distributing light evenly on the negative. Detail is not as sharp as with a condenser enlarger. MORE