Entertainment / Photography / Tungsten Light: Light from standard room lamps and ceiling fixtures, not fluorescent.
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Light Adjective Synonyms: ignite, set alight, set or put a match to, kindle, burn, touch off, set fire to, fire
Light Verb Synonyms: turn on, switch on, put on
Light Noun Synonyms: illumination, brightness, daylight, lamplight, candlelight, firelight, gaslight, torchlight, starlight, moonlight, sunlight, gegenschein, counterglow
Technology / Television (TV) / Lighting Direction: The positioning of lights relative to the object being shot. The norm for lighting direction is three-point lighting. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Lighting Intensity: The power of a light source. Regarding the relative intensity of lighting sources, see three-point lighting. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Lighting Ratio: Ratio of the brightness of light falling on the subject from the main (key) light and other (fill) lights. A ratio of about 3:1 is normal for color photography. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Lighting Diffusion: The hardness or softness of a light source. Hard light casts a sharp, definite shadow. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Lighting Color: Light may be 'colored' by placing a filter or gelatin in front of a light source. MORE