Entertainment / Video Games / Production Coordinator: A job title for a person involved in the management side of things - lower than an Assistant Producer. Programmable Handheld the opposite of a 'dedicated handheld.'
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Production Noun Synonyms: producing, manufacture, manufacturing, making, fabrication, preparation, origination, creation, output, putting out, development, formation, forming, forging, shaping, moulding, casting, assembly, building, construction
Business / Agriculture / Production Flexibility Contract: A 7-year contract covering crop years 1996-2002, authorized by the FAIR Act of 1996 between the CCC and farmers, which makes fixed income support payments in place of the previous variable target pric MORE
Business / Finance / Production Payment Financing: A method of nonrecourse asset-based financing in which a specified percentage of revenue realized from the sale of the project's output is used to pay debt service. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Production Expenses: Measures the aggregate business cost of farming. The two main components are current farm operating expenses and overhead costs. Farm production expenses are accounted for differently in calculating f MORE
Business / Agriculture / Production Credit Association (PCA): Farm Credit System institutions that have direct lending authority to make short and intermediate term loans to eligible retail customers. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Production Contract: These contracts specify who supplies the production inputs, the quality and quantity of the commodity to be produced, and the compensation for the producer. Under some livestock production contracts, MORE
Entertainment / Video Games / Production Coordinator: A job title for a person involved in the management side of things - lower than an Assistant Producer. Programmable Handheld the opposite of a 'dedicated handheld.' MORE