29th Degree: The final degree (29th degree) of any Sign. It is also known as the degree of fate.
Accidental: Ascendant From Evangeline Adams' horary technique in which an Ascendant is determined according to t
Accidental Dignity: A planet that occupies its house of natural rulership or falls within 5° of an angle is said to be
Acronical Place: From the Greek akronychos, at sunset. The position occupied by a planet when it is opposite the Sun.
Adjusted Calculation Date: The day on which the planetary position shown in an Ephemeris coincide with the progressed positions
Admetos: Sixth symbolic planet used in Uranian astrology.
Advantage Line: An imaginary axis that connects the third decan of the third and ninth houses. The Moon's North Node
Affinity: A mutual attraction or innate congeniality.
Afflicted: Used to describe a planet which is unfavorably aspected; squares, oppositions and quincunxes. An anc
Affliction: A term from traditional astrology used to describe adverse aspects, especially those formed by malef
Age Of Aquarius: The Great Year that begins around the turn of the twenty-first century and lasts for two thousand ye
Air Signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, traditionally associated with the air element and members of the air tri
Akashic Records: The memory of nature. Akashic is a Sanskrit term referring to the etheric substratum of the universe
Alpheta: Literally, the giver of life; A well aspected benefic that occupies an aphetic (hylegiacal) place in
Alphetical Places: Those parts of a horoscope from 5° above the Ascendant to 25° below, from 5° below the Descendant
Anareta: From the Greek, literally destroyer. Applied to a malefic that occupies an anaretic place and afflic
Anaretic Degree: The final degree (29th degree) of any Sign. It is also known as the degree of fate.
Anaretic Place: The final degree (between 29° and 30°) of any sign, also called the degree of fate. Planets and ho
Anaxagoras: Greek 500-428 B.C., studied in Egypt and thought the Sun went under a flat Earth each night.
Angles: The Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven and Imum Coeli; the four cardinal points in a horoscope.
Angles: The lines of the chart wheel which lie at 0 degrees (the ascendant), 90 degrees (the I.C.), 180 degr
Angular Houses: The first, fourth, seventh and tenth houses. In a quadrant system (unequal house), the angles form t
Animoder Of Tetrabiblos: A method of birth time rectification, now obsolete, presented by Ptolemy. Sometimes refered to as th
Antipathy: Inharmonious relations between planets, which rule or are exalted in opposite signs. Also, conflict
Antiscia: From the Greek, literally shadows on the other side, opposite shadows; mirror or reflection points.
Aphelion: The point in a planet's orbit that is most distant from the Sun.
Apheta: Literally, the giver of life; A well aspected benefic that occupies an aphetic (hylegiacal) place in
Aphetic Places: Those parts of a horoscope from 5° above the Ascendant to 25° below, from 5° below the Descendant
Apogee: The point in a planet's orbit that is most distant from Earth.
Apollon: The fifth symbolic planet used in Uranian astrology.
Apparent Motion: The motion of a heavenly body as seen from earth. Thus, people refer to 'Sunrise' when, in fact, it
Applying Aspect: One in which the significator (the faster moving of two planets involved) is moving toward partile (
Approaching Aspect: An aspect in which the significator is moving toward the promittor in natural order of the zodiac (d
Aquarian Age: A time period of 2000 years where the influence of Aquarius is prominent. An age lasts for 2000 year
Arabian Parts: Developed during the Middle Ages in Arabia, each part derived from three points in a horoscope, indi
Arc: In astrology, the curved path of a stellar body and the angular measurement of this path.
Articulate Signs: Signs that symbolize speaking facility, namely Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius.
Artificial Birthday: See adjusted calculation date.
Ascendant: The degree of the zodiac rising over the eastern horizon of the birthplace at the moment of birth. T
Ascending Node: The zodiacal point at which a planet crosses the ecliptic from south to north. Also called the north
Ascending Planet: Any planet in the eastern section of a horoscope is ascending, i.e., moving toward the Midheaven. Th
Ascension (Long And Short): Due to the obliquity of the ecliptic, some sings rise over the horizon faster than others. Signs of
Aspect: The angular relationship between two planets or a planet and angle or sensitive point. Zodiacal aspe
Aspect Pattern: Particular combinations of aspects that form special planetary configurations.
Aspects: The angular distance, calculated in specific number of degrees of the chart wheel, between two celes
Assurbanipal: (669-625 B.C.) King of Assyria. Astrological records found in tablets that once formed part of his l
Asteroids: Small planets (planetoids) or pieces of planets, most of which are found in the Asteroid Belt, that
Astral Traveling: This roaming of the spiritual self while the physical body remains inert; involves the body's chakra
Astral Twins, Astro-Twins: Two persons who may be unrelated and born at different times and in different places whose horoscope
Astroanalyst: The astrological equivalent of a psychoanalyst.
Astrolabe: An ancient instrument employed for measuring the angular position of Sun and stars, used also to pro
Astrologer: One who practices astrology; a professional spook. Syn. Weirdo; charlatan.
Astrologian: One who teaches astrology.
Astrological Age: A period of about 2,150 years, or one-twelfth of the Great Year of approximately 25,800 years. It re
Astrologist: A non-professional who believes in or studies but does not necessarily practice astrology.
Astrology: The science of relationships as measured by correlations between the movements of celestial bodies a
Astrology: The study of the influence of celestial bodies on any behavior, activity or condition on Earth. It i
Athazer: A term applied by the ancients to the Moon when it forms an exact conjunction, semi-square, square,
Aura: A subtle quality or atmosphere emanating form a living being, object, or place.
Ayanamsa: From the Hindu ayana, the arc that describes the increasing gap between the tropical and sidereal zo
Balsamic: Moon The Moon less than 45° behind the natal Sun according to natural zodiacal order. A natal balsa
Balsamic Phase: When a more quickly orbiting planet trails a planet with a slower orbit and appears to 'catch up' wi
Barren Signs: Gemini, Leo and Virgo, traditionally associated with infertility. Aries, Sagittarius and Aquarius ar
Benefic: Said of planets and aspects considered to be positive or helpful influences. Traditionally, Jupiter
Benefic: The belief among certain astrologers that some planets, especially Jupiter and Venus, are positive a
Berossos: (280 B.C.) Babylonian. A priest of Baal. He founded a school of astrology on the Island of Cos.
Beseiged: Said of a planet placed between two malefics. Energies of a beseiged planet are thought to be restri
Bestial Signs: Aries, Taurus, Leo and Capricorn; so designated because they are symbolized traditionally as animals
Bi-Quintile: A minor benefic aspect, separating distance 144°, based on the fifth harmonic (multiples of 72°, a
Bi-Septile: A minor hard aspect, separating distance roughly 103° (102° 51' 26'), based on the seventh harmoni
Bicorporeal Signs: Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces. Also called double-bodied and double signs, they are associated with
Birth Chart (Also Known As A Chart Or Chart Wheel): A 'map' detailing the positioning of the planets in the Signs at the specific moment of an individua
Birthtime: The moment of first breath of a new born.
Bowl: One of the seven horoscope patterns identified by the late Marc Edmund Jones according to the pictur
Bucket: The planetary arrangement formed by nine planets occupying approximately one-half of a horoscope wit
Bundle: According to the late Marc Edmund Jones, a tightly-packed planetary arrangement in which all ten pla
Cadent Houses: From the Latin cadere, to fall; houses three, six, nine and twelve fall behind angular houses. Ruled
Campanus: Thirteenth century astrologer and mathematician who devised the house system that bears his name, wh
Caput Draconis: From the Latin, literally dragon's head; an older term for the Moon's North Node.
Cardinal Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, which fall naturally at the cardinal points in a horoscope; eas
Cardinal Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. This Quality represents initiative.
Cataclysmic Planet: Uranus, which combines both magnetic and electric qualities and thus produces sudden upheavals.
Cauda Draconis: From the Latin, literally dragon's tail; synonymous with the Moon's south node.
Cazimi, Also Casimi: From the Arabic center of the solar disc. A planet that forms a conjunction with the Sun within 30'
Celestial Body: A physical form which exists in space; such as a planet.
Celestial Equator: The extension of Earth's equator into space, perpendicular to Earth's axis.
Celestial Sphere: The conceptualization of the infinite heavens as a sphere revolving around Earth, based upon the par
Ceres: The first asteroid to be discovered (1801), named after the Roman goddess of agriculture. Ceres is t
Ceres: An asteroid named for the Roman Goddess of Agriculture. Represents women's cycles, parenting and nut
Chart: A horoscope.
Chiron: The most recently discovered asteroid of astrological interest, discovered by astronomer Charles Kow
Climacterial Periods: Years in life, which are multiples of seven or nine based on the Moon's progression and Saturn's tra
Co-Ruler: Prior to the discovery of Uranus, the Sun and Moon were believed to rule one sign each and the other
Combust: A planet that forms a conjunction with the Sun within orb of between 31' to 3° is said to be combus
Comet: From the Latin cometa, literally hair of the head, figuratively, tail of a comet. A bright star-like
Common Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, synonymous with mutable signs. See also mutable signs.
Composite Chart: A single horoscope made up from two or more natal charts by averaging house cusps and planetary posi
Composite Chart: Two individual charts which are merged to form one. It shows the relationship between the individual
Configuration: An aspect involving three or more planets.
Conjunction: The aspect formed when two planets occupy position close together in the zodiac, usually within 8°
Conjunction: Two or more planets sitting next to each other within an acceptable orb, generally considered within
Consciousness: Any entity's innate capacity for relationships. The sentient principle in all substance. The soul of
Constellation: From the Latin constellation, set with stars. A group of fixed stars.
Constellation: A group of visible stars in the same section of the sky.
Contraparallel: The angular relationship between two planets that occupy the same degree (within 1° orb) and opposi
Converse: Measurements, which follow the reverse order of the natural zodiac, used primarily to direct or prog
Copernicus: An astronomer born in Polish Prussia credited with developing the theory (sixteenth century) that Ea
Cosmecology: (cosmic ecology) The science that considers Earth in its relationship to celestial phenomena.
Cosmic Cross: An old term for a T-square, sometimes applied to a grand square (grand cross).
Cosmobiology: An astrological system developed by Reinhold Ebertin (Germany, twentieth century) that emphasized mi
Critical Degree: 0°, 13°, and 26° in cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn), 9° and 21° in fixed si
Culmination: A term used to describe a planet's arrival at the Midheaven (natally or by progression or transit);
Cupido: The first symbolic planet used in Uranian astrology. See also Uranian astrology.
Cusp: The midway point between two Signs of the Zodiac; also used to refer to the start of a House within
Cusp, Cusp Line: The line that separates the house and indicates the beginning of a house. See also house cusp.
Cycle: A planet's zodiacal period; the time it takes a planet to make on complete transit (revolution) of a
Cycle: A planet's Zodiacal period; the time it takes a planet or point to make one complete revolution in t
Daylight Saving Time: The practice of advaning the clock one hour in the spring of the year. Significant in the erection o
Debilitated, Debility: A term applied to a planet that occupies its sign of detriment or fall.
Decan, Decanate: Based on the subdivision of a sign into three parts of 10° each. Each decan of a sign expresses sub
Decanate: The partitioning of each Sign into three equal parts of 10 degrees each. Each part is known as a dec
Decile: A mildly benefic aspect with a separation of 36°, also called a semi-quintile; the tenth harmonic.
Declination: The term that describes the distance in degrees a planet lies north or south of the celestial equato
Declination: The arc of measurement in degrees north or south of the celestial equator.
Decreasing In Light: Term applied to the waning Moon as its image (as observed from Earth) decreases from the full to the
Degree: A degree is 1/360 of a circle. In Astrology, degrees are the commonly-used unit of measurement.
Departing Aspect: An aspect in which the direction from significator to promittor is backward in the zodiac (clockwise
Derivative House: A system that describes the affairs of a house as they relate to another, assuming that one of the h
Descendant: Point opposite the Ascendant and cusp of the seventh house; it describes one's interreation with oth
Descendant: The opposite point from the ascendant, located on the cusp of the Seventh House. This point explains
Detriment: Said of a planet that occupies the sign opposite its sign of natural rulership (dignity). A planet i
Dexter Aspect: From the Latin to the right. An old term now replaced by approaching aspect. See also approaching as
Dignity: The sign that a planet rules naturally is its sign of dignity. A planet is essentially dignified whe
Direct Motion: Motion that follows the natural order of signs. Proceeding in the order of the signs. In the Ephemer
Directions: A term synonymous with progression. See Progressions.
Disjunct: Another name for the quincunx aspect. See quincunx.
Dispositor: The planet that rules the sign another planet occupies. For example, Mercury in Taurus is disposited
Dissociate Aspect: An aspect within orb but out of sign. For example, a conjunction between a planet in 29° Capricorn
Diurnal: From the Latin diurnus, daily. Refers to the southern (upper) hemisphere of a horoscope, the 'day' s
Diurnal Arc: The time expressed in right ascension that it takes a planet or degree of the zodiac to move from it
Diurnal Signs: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, signs whose natural positions are in t
Domal Dignity: See dignity.
Double Signs, Double-Bodied Signs: Synonymous with bicorporeal signs; Gemini, Sagittarius, and Pisces. See also bicorporeal signs.
Dragons Head: An ancient term for the Moon's North Node, derived from the Latin caput draconis.
Dragons Tail: An ancient term for the Moon's South Node, derived fro the Latin cauda draconis.
Duad, Dwadasama, Also Dwadachamsha: A twelve-fold subdivision of the signs(each composed of 2 1/2°) developed by Hindu astrologers. The
Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, which belong to the earth triplicity, symbolizing 'earth' qualities su
Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Signs belonging to this Element represent a practical nature.
East Point: The equatorial Ascendant; i.e., the sign and degree rising over the eastern horizon at Earth's equat
Easy Aspect: See harmonious aspects.
Eclipse: An occultation, commonly used in reference to a darkening of the Sun or Moon. Solar eclipses occur a
Ecliptic: The apparent path of the Sun as it 'travels' around Earth during the course of a year; actually, Ear
Eighth House: Also known as the House of Sex. It describes shared resources, inheritance, alimony, taxes and surge
Electional Astrology: The branch of Astrology which deals with selecting the best time to initiate any given activity or p
Electional Astrology, Elections: A system by which one determines the most advantageous time to carry out a specific action (marriage
Elements: Ancients believed that the universe consisted of four primary elements, air, earth, fire and water f
Elements: A four-fold division of the Zodiac which is comprised of Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Signs of the sa
Elevated Planet: A planet placed high in a horoscope. The most elevated is the planet closest to the Midheaven; it is
Eleventh House: Also known as the House of Friends. It describes friendships and acquaintances, as well as hopes and
Elongation: The distance of a planet from the Sun, as viewed from Earth. The maximum elongation for the inferior
Embolism Lunation: The Moon's position when the natal lunar phase angle (relative position between Moon and sun in a na
Ephemeris: An almanac which lists the Zodiacal positions of the Planets and other astronomical data for a given
Ephemeris (Plural: Ephemerides): An almanac that lists the zodiacal positions of the planets and other astronomical data.
Equal House Horoscope: One in which twelve equal houses are derived by taking successive arcs of 30° each, beginning with
Equator: The plane perpendicular to Earth's polar axis, which divides Earth into two hemispheres, north and s
Equatorial Arcs: A method of progressing house cusps, based upon the Earth's rotation, in which one year of life corr
Equinox: From the Latin aequinoctium, equal night; occurs when the center of the Sun is directly over Earth's
Equinox: Means a time of equal day and night. This occurs twice a year and marks the beginning of Spring and
Esoteric Astrology: A study that deals with the human spirit and hidden nature as opposed to exoteric astrology, which d
Essential Dignity: A planet's sign of natural rulership or exaltation. See also dignity, exalted.
Event Chart: A horoscope drawn up according to the date, time and location of a particular happening, interpreted
Exalted: The term used to describe a planet that is placed in its sign of exaltation, the sign, other than it
Exoteric Astrology: Any branch of astrology that studies observable events and characteristics such as natal astrology,
Extra-Saturnian Planets: The three planets not visible to the naked eye that orbit outside the planet Sauturn, namely: Uranus
Face: An obsolete term meaning the division of each sign into six equal parts of 5° each.
Fall: The sign opposite a planet's sign of exaltation; a planet in 'fall' is debilitated or weakened.
Familiarity: Any kind of aspect or reception between two planets.
Feminine Signs: Earth and water signs. Feminine characteristics do not refer to sex or gender; they are associated w
Feminine Signs: The Earth and Water Signs, comprised of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces. Indica
Fertile Signs: See fertility.
Fertility: A classification of the signs based on their susposed productivity. Fertile signs, Cancer, Scorpio,
Fifth House: Also known as the House of Pleasure. It describes romance, creativity, children, fun and speculation
Finger Of God: An ambiguous term used variously to indicate the handle in a bucket formation or the yod, a configur
Fire Signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, signs which belong to the fire triplicity, associated with the element,
Fire Signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Signs belonging to this Element represent a fiery nature.
First House: Also known as the House of Self. It describes the outer personality. It is the image we project to t
Fixed Signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, which are related to a fixed or stable mode of expression. Fixed
Fixed Signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. This Quality represents stubbornness and inflexibility.
Fixed Stars: Stars which, because of their great distance from Earth, appear to be motionless or fixed in space a
Flat Chart: Alternate term for natural chart. See natural chart.
Focal Point: Any point in a horoscope where several influences converge or disperse, such as the position of the
Forecast: Plotting the movements of the planets to determine upcoming trends.
Fortuna: From the Latin fortuna, fortune. Interchangeable with Part of Fortune.
Fortunes: Another term for the benific planets. See benefic.
Fourth House: Also known as the House of Home. It describes the residence, real estate, ancestry and the past. It
Fruitful Signs: The water signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, which are associated with fertility.
Frustration: An alternate term for Abscission. See abscission.
Full Moon: That point in the lunar cycle when the Moon exactly opposes the Sun; begins the waning phase.
Galaxy: One of the billions of huge cosmic systems, each composed of innumerable stars, planets, etc. Member
Genethliacal Astrology: An old term for natal astrology. See also natal astrology.
Geniture: From the Latin, birth or origin; used in astrology to refer to a birth or a natal horoscope. See als
Geocentric: Measured or viewed in relation to Earth as the reference or observation point; Earth-centered measur
Gibbous Moon: The Moon approaching the full Moon, more than 135° and less than 180° ahead of the Sun. A natal gi
Grand Cross: A configuration in which four planets form mutual squares. It creates much tension.
Grand Cross, Grand Square: An aspect configuration in which four planets, each in a different sign of the same quadruplicity, f
Grand Trine: The aspect pattern formed when three planets, each in a different sign of the same triplicity (air,
Grand Trine: When three planets, generally of the same Element, meet each other to form a triangle. The energy of
Great Circle: A circle described on the surface of a sphere (Earth, for example) so that its plane passes through
Great Year: The astrological year based on the time it takes Earth's axis to complete on revolution around the p
Greater Benefic: A term reserved for the planet Jupiter which, according to ancient beliefs, was responsible for life
Greater Malefic: A term applied to Saturn, the planet ancients believed to generate the evils in life.
Gregorian Calendar: The calendar now used internationally, devised by Pope Gregory in the 1580s to replace the Julian ca
Hades: The second symbolic planet used in Uranian astrology. See also Uranian astrology.
Half-Sum: An alternate term for mid-point, the point in the zodiac that lies exactly midway between two planet
Halleys Comet: Named for the English astronomer, Edmund Halley, who correctly predicted, in 1682, the comet's retur
Hard Aspect: Aspects which create tension and friction. Squares, oppositions and quincunxes are all hard aspects.
Hard Aspects: Aspects that stimulate action or tension and induce motivation. All hard aspects are disharmonious t
Harmonics: The term for zodiacal aspects that describe the energy levels or vibrational frequencies associated
Harmonics: The term for the Aspects describing the relationship between two points, bodies or Signs.
Harmonious Aspect: Aspects in which the planets involved are mutually supportive; their energies operate together comfo
Heavy Planets: A term used to refer to the slower-moving whose influece is considered more serious ('heavier') than
Heliocentric: Measurements based upon the Sun as the central point of reference or observation; Sun-centered.
Herschel: The original name for the planet Uranus, which was discovered in 1781 by the British astronomer Sir
Higher Octave Planets: The three outermost planets, which symbolize the higher or spiritual level of expression in contrast
Horary Astrology: Derived from the Latin hora, hour. The branch of astrology devoted to answering specific question by
Horary Astrology: The branch of Astrology devoted to answering specific questions by means of a chart drawn up for the
Horizon: The visible juncture of Earth and the sky, represented in a horoscope by the Ascendant-Descendant ax
Horoscope: In this century, the word 'horoscope' has become synonymous with the daily 20-50 word predictions of
House: One of the twelve mathematically derived sections (houses) of a horoscope, each of which represents
House Cusp: The zodiacal degree at which a house begins.
Houses: The celestial sphere taken as a 360-degree circle divided into twelve sections. These sections are r
Houses, Table Of: A reference book that lists house cusps according to the local sidereal time and location of birth.
Human Signs: Signs that exhibit human qualities such as sparse body hair: Gemini, Virgo, the first 15° of Sagitt
Humanistic Astrology: Person-centered astrology as opposed to event-oriented.
Hyleg: Interchangeable with Apheta. See Apheta.
Hylegiacal Place: Synonymous with aphetic places. See aphetic places.
I-Ching: The I-Ching, or 'Book of Changes,' is an ancient Chinese oracle book that deals with philosophy and
Imum Coeli: From the Latin, literally bottom of the heavens; the zodiacal point opposite the Medium Coeli (Midhe
Imum Coeli (Or I.C.): One of the four major angles of a birth chart; this one falls at the bottom of the chart wheel. It i
Inarticulate Signs: Aries, Taurus, Leo and Capricorn, signs pictured as animals that have voices but lack the power of s
Inconjunct: A minor hard aspect, 150°, synonymous with quincunx. See quincunx.
Increasing Light: Term applied to the waxing Moon as it moves from the position of new Moon to full Moon and the visib
Individual Houses: Houses one, five and nine, all ruled by natural fire signs. The common function of these houses is o
Inferior Planets: Venus and Mercury, so called because their orbits are smaller (closer to the Sun) than Earth's.
Infortunes: Another term for malefics. See malefic.
Ingress Signs: The equinoctial (Aries and Libra) and solsticial signs (Cancer and Capricorn), the cardinal signs th
Inharmonious Aspects: Aspects in which planetary energies do not combine smoothly, mainly the semi-square, square, sesquiq
Inner Planets: The Sun and those planets whose orbits lie between the Sun and Asteroid Belt, namely Mercury, Venus,
Intercepted Sign: A sign that does not appear on a house cusp but is wholly contained within a house.
Intercepted Sign Or House: A House which appears within another House on the chart wheel. Common to those born in far northern
Interpretation: See 'Report.'
Juno: The third asteroid discovered in the early 1800s named after the Roman goddess, Juno, wife of Jupite
Juno: An asteroid named for the Roman goddess Juno, the wife of Jupiter, ruler of all gods. Represents par
Jupiter: Represents luck, philosophy, religion, higher learning, ethical values, expansion, abundance and exc
Karma: The end result of the law of cause and effect in relation to the totality of one's actions in one of
Kepler, Johannes: One of the founders of modern astronomy who discovered the three basic laws of planetary motion, amo
Key Cycle: Sidney K. Bennett's system of solar returns, published under the pseudonym of Wynn; his system accou
Koch, Dr. Walter: The German astrologer who developed the Koch or Birthplace system of houses.
Kronos: The fourth symbolic planet used in Uranian astrology. See also Uranian astrology.
Lame Degrees: See mutilated degrees.
Latitude, Celestial: Angular distance measured north or south of the plane of the ecliptic.
Latitude, Geographic: Angular distance measured on Earth north or south of the equator.
Leo, Alan (Allen, William Frederick): (1860-1917) Known professionally as Alan Leo, a dedicated English astrologer and prolific writer who
Light Collection: A term used in horary astrology to describe developments when two planets not in aspect (strangers)
Lights: An old term for the Sun and Moon; the Sun is the Greater Light, the Moon the Lesser Light.
Lights: An ancient term used for the Sun and the Moon.
Lilith: Believed to be Earth's second satellite, the dark Moon, Lilith symbolizes the mysterious, seductive,
Line Of Advantage: An imaginary axis that connects the third decan of the third and ninth houses. The Moon's North Node
Local Mean Time: The actual time in a given location based upon the Sun's position at the Midheaven (noon) of the pla
Locational Astrology: The practice of casting a horoscope for the place in which a person resides, or would like to reside
Locomotive: One of the seven shaping arrangements identified by Marc Edmund Jones consisting of all ten planets
Logarithm: From the Latin logarithmus, literally mathematical proportion or ratio. First devised in 1614 by the
Long Ascension: A term applied to Cancer, leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius because they take longer to ris
Longitude, Celestial: The distance in degrees (arc) from 0° Aries eastward to any given point that intersects the eclipti
Longitude, Geographical Or Terrestrial: The distance in arc a given point on Earth lies east or west of the prime meridian, which passes thr
Longitude, Zodiacal: The position of a given point along the ecliptic expressed in terms of the zodiac.
Lord: An antiquated term synonymous with planetary ruler.
Lower Octave Planets: Mercury, whose higher octave is Uranus; Venus, whose higher octave is Neptune; and Mars, whose highe
Luminary: The Sun or Moon, called lights traditionally. See also lights.
Lunar: From the Latin, luna, the Moon; descriptive of or relating to the Moon.
Lunar Eclipse: The point at which the Sun, Earth and Moon are aligned with the Earth blocking out the Sun's light f
Lunar Mansions: From Hindu astrology, a twenty-eight-fold division of a horoscope (twenty-eight mansions or houses)
Lunar Period: The time it takes the Moon to return to a particular point in the zodiac; the Moon's zodiacal period
Lunar Return Chart: A chart cast for the time the Moon returns to the exact degree, minute, and second it occupied at th
Lunation: New Moon; Moon conjunct Sun.
Lunation Cycle: The Moon's phases relative to the Sun as it moves from one new Moon (Moon/sun conjunction) to the ne
M.C.: Medium Coeli. One of the four major angles of a birth chart, this one is at the top of the chart whe
Major Planets: Those whose orbits lie outside the Asteroid Belt; Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Also r
Malefic: An archaic term applied to planets and aspects whose influence was thought to be negative or destruc
Malefic: The belief among certain astrologers that some planets, like Mars and Uranus, are destructive, negat
Mansions Of The Moon, Moon Mansions: Synonymous with Lunar Mansions. See Lunar Mansions.
Map: A horoscope.
Mars: Represents action, passion, drive and determination. It deals with one's sexuality, force, daring, c
Masculine Degrees: Degrees that foster masculine attributes in both males and females when occupied by the Ascendant or
Masculine Signs: The fire and air signs, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. They are suggestive of
Masculine Signs: The Fire and Air Signs, comprised of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. It represe
Mean Motion: Average motion or rate of travel within a specified time period.
Medical Astrology: The branch of astrology devoted to the study of the human body, disease and health according to astr
Medium Coeli: From the Latin, literally middle of the heavens; the culminating degree of the ecliptic, commonly ca
Mercury: Represents communication, intellect, consciousness, transportation, dexterity and the mind.
Meridian: A great circle, encircling Earth, that passes through the North and South Poles. A line of longitude
Meteorological Astrology (Astro-Meteorology): The use of astrology for forecasting the weather conditions, earthquakes, and severe storms. Also ca
Metonic Cycle: The nineteen-year cycle named for the Athenian astronomer Meton who discovered (ca. 432) that the ne
Midheaven: The most commonly used term for Medium Coeli, usually designated by the initials M.C. See also Mediu
Midnight Ephemeris: An ephemeris that lists astrological data exact at the beginning of the day, 12:00 A.M. Also called
Midpoint: A zodiacal point in a horoscope that is equidistant from two planets. Two midpoints exist for each p
Milky Way: The galaxy of which our solar system is a part. See also Galaxy.
Minor Planets: Synonymous with inner planets; those planets whose orbits lie between the Sun and Asteroid Belt. See
Modes: See 'Qualities.'
Moon: Represents the Mother and the women in one's life, nurturing, home, emotions, instinct and memory. I
Movable Signs: An alternate term for cardinal signs. See cardinal signs.
Multiple Conjunction: A planetary arrangement in which three or more planets form a series of conjunctions that may extend
Mundane Aspects: Aspects by house rather than by degree. For example, a mundane sextile from a planet on the cusp of
Mundane Astrology: That branch of astrology that deals with world events and universal trends rather than the individua
Mundane Astrology: The branch of Astrology which deals with places as opposed to people; world events and universal tre
Mutable Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, all of which express adaptability and flexibility to some deg
Mutable Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. This Quality represents a flexible nature.
Mute Signs: The water signs; Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, so-called because they are traditionally depicted as mu
Mutilated Degrees: So designated because of the ancient belief that if the Ascendant, chart ruler or Moon occupied any
Mutual Application: Said of two planets moving toward each other, one direct and the other retrograde.
Mutual Reception: Two planets placed in each other's sign of essential dignity are in mutual reception, 'en rapport'.
Nadir: The point in the celestial sphere directly opposite the zenith; the point directly beneath an observ
Naibod Arc: Mean daily motion of the sun, 59' 08'; used to progress a natal horoscope by assuming one Naibod arc
Natal: Synonymous with 'birth.' Natal chart and birth chart are terms which can be used interchangeably.
Natal Astrology: The branch of astrology dealing with the individual. The horoscope cast for the birth time of the in
Native: A traditional term that refers to a person for whom a horoscope is erected.
Nativity: A natal horoscope.
Natural Astrology: See Meteorological astrology.
Natural Chart: A chart with 0° Aries on the cusp of the first house that shows the natural horoscope position of s
Navamsas: From Hindu astrology, a ninefold division of each sign into 3 1/3° segments, each segment influence
Negative Signs: Earth and water signs; an alternate term used to describe 'feminine' characteristics of receptivity
Neptune: Rules music, television, movies, fashion, glamour, dreams, illusion, drugs, the intangible and the e
New Moon: Lunation; the beginning of a lunation cycle and of the waxing phase. Moon conjunct Sun.
Ninth House: Also known as the House of Philosophy. It represents religion, travel, foreign countries, in-laws, h
Nocturnal: From the Latin nocturnus, of night. Refers to the lower (northern) hemisphere of a horoscope, the 'n
Nocturnal Arc: The time expressed in right ascension that it takes a planet or degree of the zodiac to move from it
Nocturnal Signs: Signs whose natural positions are in the nocturnal or northern hemisphere of a horoscope: Aries, Tau
Nodal Chart: An equal house chart, which places the Moon's South Node at the Ascendant, used primarily by medical
Node: The point of intersection of a planet's orbit and the ecliptic.
Nodes: The two points in a planet's orbit which intercept the Earth's path around the sun (otherwise known
Nonagesimal: The point 90° from the Ascendant. The highest point of the ecliptic above the horizon.
Nonile: A ninth harmonic aspect based on division of 360° by 9 (40°). A minor aspect, the nonile is seldom
Nova: Literally new star; applied to stars that suddenly appear with great brilliance then fade; an explod
Numerology: An ancient science that offers insight into the personality by assigning numeric values to names and
Oblique Ascension: A measurement determined by the angle (ascensional difference) between the point on the celestial eq
Oblique Desension: The angular complement of oblique ascension; i.e., 180° minus the oblique ascension arc.
Obliquity Of The Ecliptic: The angle between the plane of the ecliptic and the plane of the equator. It now measures about 23°
Occidental: Literally western; said of a planet that rises and sets after the Sun.
Occidental Houses: Correctly, houses that lie in the western (occidental) portion of a horoscope, houses four through n
Occultation: From the Latin occultatio, a hiding; an eclipse of a planet. The term eclipse is usually applied to
Opposition: A second harmonic aspect, separating distance 180°. A major hard aspect, the opposition creates awa
Opposition: When Planets are exactly opposite each other in the chart wheel; an arc of 180 degrees. Creates stre
Orb: The number of degrees by which an aspect may vary from partile (exactness) and remain effective.
Orb: The space on the chart wheel measured in degrees, between planets and points, by which an aspect may
Orbit: The path a heavenly body follows as it travels around another stellar body.
Oriental: Literally eastern; said of a planet that rises and sets before the Sun. The oriental planet, called
Oriental Houses: Houses that lie in the eastern (oriental) hemisphere of a horoscope, houses one, two, three, ten, el
Out Of Bounds: Planets which are outside the usual north or south measurement of the celestial equator within which
Out-Of-Sign: Also known as a dissociate aspect; addresses the importance of measuring aspects by degree rather th
Outer Houses: Those planets whose orbits fall outside the Asteroid Belt; also called major planets because of thei
Pallas: Asteroid named for Greek goddess of war. Represents feminism, wisdom, crafts, news, politics, travel
Pallas Athena: The second asteroid discovered in the early nineteenth century, named after the Greek goddess of war
Parallel: The angular relationship between two planets that occupy the same degree (within 1° orb) and direct
Part Of Fortune: The Arabian Part most commonly used by western astrologers. Calculated by subtracting the Sun's posi
Partile: The degree at which an aspect is precisely exact (0° orb). An aspect that is within 1° orb is said
Penumbra: Literally partial shadow; the partially lighted area around any completely darkened area (umbra) of
Penumbral Eclipse: The term applied when the Moon passes through Earth's penumbra; the shadow does not obliterate the M
Peregrine: From the Latin peregrinus, foreigner. Said of a planet that does not occupy a sign of essential dign
Perigee: The point of orbit at which a planet is closest to Earth.
Perihelion: The point in a planet's orbit that lies closest to the Sun.
Periodical Lunation: Term applied to the transiting Moon's monthly return to the exact position occupied in a natal horos
Phase: Any of the stages of variation in appearance or illumination of a planet; used most commonly to desc
Placidean Houses: The house system devised by the Spanish monk, Placidus de Tito (seventeenth century). Placidus' syst
Planet: From the Greek planetes, wanderer; used astrologically to describe any heavenly body which when view
Planetary Hours: A system devised by ancient astrologers that assigned one of the seven planets then known to each ho
Planetary Node: The point at which a planet's path intersects the ecliptic; declination, 0°. The term is usually re
Planetary Patterns: Used interchangeably with shaping. Sometimes equated with aspect patterns. See also shaping, Bowl, B
Planets: As used in Astrology, this refers to the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, N
Platic: Term used to describe any aspect that is not exact (within 1° orb) but within allowable orb.
Plato: Greek 429-355 B.C., studied in Egypt and elsewhere, pupil of Socrates, fellow student of Euclid, fol
Pleiades: A group of fixed stars in the constellation Taurus. They are called the 'Weeping Sisters' because, a
Pluto: Rules transformation, regeneration, rebirth, destruction, annihilation, power and elimination. It al
Polarity: The contrasting and complementary qualities shown by signs opposite each other in the zodiac.
Pole: Either end of the axis of any sphere such as the Earth, the celestial sphere, etc.
Porphyry: Philosopher (233-304 A.D.) of the Neo-Platonic school who devised a house system based on dividing e
Poseidon: The eighth symbolic planet used in Uranian astrology. See also Uranian astrology.
Positive Signs: All air and fire signs; used to describe the outgoing, dynamic qualities characteristic of these sig
Precession: The circular motion of Earth's axis around the pole of the ecliptic, caused by the gravitational pul
Precession Of The Equinoxes: The gradual westward shift (about 50' each year) of the equinoctial points along the ecliptic due to
Prenatal Epoch: The astrological moment of conception. According to Ptolemy, the natal Ascendant or Descendant coinc
Primary Directions: Originally, a mathematically complicated system of progressing a horoscope based upon the diurnal ro
Prime Meridian: The great circle that passes through Earth's poles and Greenwich, England (0° longitude), from whic
Prime Vertical: The great circle that rises vertically from the east point of the horizon and passes through Earth's
Profile: See 'Report.'
Progressions: The general term applied to any method of advancing the planets and house cusps of a natal horoscope
Progressions: A method of advancing the planets and points of a natal chart to a particular time after birth. Used
Promittor: The slower moving of two planets in aspect; the receiver of an aspect.
Ptolemy, Claudius: A great astrologer, astronomer and geographer of the second century (ca. 100-178 A.D.) who developed
Pythagoras: Greek 569-470 B.C., studied in Egypt. Left nothing in writing but is supposed to said that the Earth
Quadrant: One of the four sections of a horoscope, each bounded by two angles not opposite each other.
Quadrate, Quartile: Synonymous with square. See Square.
Quadrupedian Signs: Alternate term for bestial signs. See bestial signs.
Quadruplicity: One of the three qualitative groups (cardinal, fixed, mutable) in which each of the four member sign
Qualities: The Signs are classified by their Qualities: Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable. Also referred to as modalit
Quincunx: A minor hard aspect, separating distance 150°, the fifth multiple of the twelfth harmonic (30°, se
Quincunx: An arc of 150 degrees. Also known as the inconjunct; this aspect creates a certain uneasiness and a
Quindecile: A minor easy aspect, the fifteenth harmonic, 24°.
Quintile: The fifth harmonic, 72°, a minor easy aspect.
Quintile: The quintile is an aspect of 72 degrees. It is an easy minor aspect often signifying human endeavor
Radical: Having to do with the natal horoscope.
Radical Chart: The natal horoscope. In horary astrology, the term radical applies to a chart deemed readable by vir
Radical Position: The position a planet occupies in a natal horoscope.
Radix: From the Latin, literally root. A natal horoscope.
Rapport Measurement: From the French, literally related measurement; applied to progressions based on advancing a planet'
Reading: See 'Report.'
Reception: Shortened form of mutual reception. See mutual reception.
Rectification: The correcting of an inexact birthtime or the determining of an unknown birthtime through astrologic
Refranation: The failure of an applying aspect to culminate, when the significator turns retrograde before reachi
Regiomontanus: The German astrologer (fifteenth century) who devised the house system that bears his name. This sys
Relative Houses: House three, seven, and eleven, ruled naturally by air signs. Function focuses on human relationship
Report: An interpretation of one's birth chart. Also known as delineation.
Retrograde: When a planet appears to be traveling backwards from our perspective on Earth. The energy of a retro
Retrograde Application: Term used in reference to a retrograde planet which, because of its retrograde motion, applies to an
Retrograde Motion: The apparent backward motion of a planet when it appears, as observed from Earth, to reverse its nat
Revolution: One complete orbit or cycle. In a natal chart, a planet's return to its natal degree upon completing
Right Ascension: Measurement along the celestial equator eastward from 0° Aries that describes planetary positions i
Rising Planet: Any planet that is near the Ascendant in the natal horoscope. Rising planets will have a significant
Rising Sign: Synonymous with Ascendant. See Ascendant.
Rising Sign: Also known as the Ascendant. The degree at which the Zodiac rests over the eastern horizon of the bi
Ruling Planet: The ruling planet of the horoscope is that planet said to 'rule' the Ascending sign. Likewise, plane
Ruminant Signs: An obsolete term applied to signs symbolized by cud-chewing animals, namely, Aries (ram), Taurus (bu
Sabian Symbols: A system developed by Elsie Wheeler (psychically), Marc Edmund Jones and Dane Rudhyar that assigns a
Saros Cycle: The eighteen-year (approximate) cycle, containing an average of forty-one solar eclipses and twenty-
Satellitium: A little-used term synonymous with stellium. See also multiple conjunction, stellium.
Saturn: Represents discipline, responsibility, ambition, restriction, limitation and delays. It also rules o
Second House: Also known as the House of Possessions. It describes your material assets, monetary income and the p
Secondary Progressions: See 'Progressions.'
Secondary Progressions, Secondary Directions: The method of progressing a natal horoscope in which each day after birth is equated to a correspond
See-Saw: The shaping arrangement in which, according to Marc Edmund Jones, the planets form tow distinct grou
Semi-Decile: The twentieth harmonic, 18°; interpreted as a weak minor easy aspect. Also called a vigintile.
Semi-Quintile: See decile.
Semi-Sextile: One of the more influential minor easy aspects, the twelfth harmonic, 30°.
Semi-Sextile: An arc of 30 degrees. This aspect creates unease; it is a minor aspect.
Semi-Square: The eighth harmonic, 45°; an important minor hard aspect in which planetary energies do not merge h
Semi-Square: An arc of 45 degrees, or 'half a square.' A minor aspect indicating stress and tension, requiring ac
Separating Aspect: One in which the significator (faster moving planet of the two in aspect) is moving away from partil
Septile: The seventh harmonic, 51 3/7°. A little-used minor aspect, probably inharmonious, thought to be ass
Sesquiquadrate: An arc of 135 degrees, a 'square-and-a-half.' A minor aspect indicating tension and challenge.
Sesquiquadrate, Sesqui-Square: A multiple of the semi-square, and eighth harmonic aspect. A minor hard aspect, separating distance
Sesquiquintile: See tredecile.
Seventh House: Also known as the House of Partnership. It represents marriage, joint partnerships, ventures and bus
Sextile: The sixth harmonic, 60°; a major easy aspect considered beneficial and opportune.
Sextile: An arc of 60 degrees; this is a favorable aspect. The planets involved are usually in compatible Ele
Shaping: Descriptive of the visual arrangement of planets in a horoscope. Marc Edmund Jones identified seven
Short Ascension: Refers to the six signs that take less time than the other six to rise above the horizon, namely, Ar
Sidereal Astrology: An astrological system based upon the constellations, not the tropical zodiac.
Sidereal Day: Twenty-four sidereal hours equal to 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds of clock time.
Sidereal Time: Time measured in relation to fixed stars, as distinguished from clock time, based upon the Sun's pos
Sidereal Zodiac: Based on the division of the circle of twelve constellations: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Vi
Sign: See 'Sun Sign.'
Significator: The faster moving of two planets in aspect; the significator is said to aspect the slower moving pla
Signs: The twelve divisions of the zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, sagit
Singleton: A planet that is the sole occupant of the horoscope hemisphere in which it is placed; said to give b
Sinister Aspect: From the Latin sinister, left or left hand; a term replaced by modern astrologers with departing asp
Sixth House: Also known as the House of Health. It is about your job, routine, daily responsibilities, diet, empl
Slow Of Course: Term used to describe a planet's motion when its rate of travel is less than its mean daily motion.
Solar: From the Latin sol, the Sun; refers to the Sun.
Solar Arc: The distance the Sun travels from birth position to its secondary progressed position. A system of p
Solar Chart: A horoscope that is set up with the placement of the Sun positioned at the Ascendant. This type of c
Solar Eclipse: See eclipse.
Solar Eclipse: The point at which the Moon, Sun and Earth are aligned and the Moon blocks the Sun, making the Sun s
Solar Return, Solar Revolution: A horoscope erected for the exact time in a given year when the transiting Sun reaches the same posi
Solstice: Either of two points on the ecliptic at which the Sun reaches it farthest point north (0° Cancer) o
Solstice: When the Sun reaches its maximum declination. This occurs twice a year, at the beginning of Summer a
Splash: A planetary arrangement described by Marc Edmund Jones in which the planets are fairly evenly distri
Splay: A planetary arrangement identified by lack of symmetry and irregularly spaced planets and groups of
Square: Fourth harmonic, 90°. A major hard aspect, the square generates tension and stirs action. Also call
Square: An arc of 90 degrees which is traditionally regarded as unfavorable. It represents the struggle of t
Star Sign: See 'Sun Sign.'
Station: A planet is said to 'make a station' at the degree it occupies when it appears motionless as its dir
Stationary, Stationary Motion: Term used to describe apparent lack of motion when a planet's direction of travel changes from direc
Stellium: A multiple conjunction that occurs within one sign or house, indicating a focal point of energy or i
Stellium: A meeting of three or more planets or points, usually occurring within one Sign or House. It is a fo
Succedent Houses: From the Latin succedere, to follow; houses two, five, eight and eleven, which follow the angular ho
Sun: Represents the ego, self, willpower, your uniqueness and your individuality. It is your identity. It
Sun Sign: What people think of as their 'Sign' or 'Star Sign.' It is the position of the Sun in the Zodiac at
Superior Planets: Planets whose orbits are larger than Earth's. The term is sometimes restricted to the three outermos
Swift In Motion: Said of a planet whose rate of travel is greater than its mean daily motion.
Synastry: The astrological technique of comparing natal horoscopes to gain insight into the strengths and weak
Synastry: Comparing natal charts to find strengths and weaknesses in the area of compatibility.
Synthesis: The art of combining the various factors revealed in a horoscope and building a balanced judgment of
Syzygy: From the Latin, yoked together; refers to points at which a planet conjuncts or opposes the Sun; usu
T-Cross: See T-square.
T-Square: The aspect pattern formed when two planets in opposition both square the same third planet, which ac
T-Square: The configuration formed when two planets in opposition both square the same third planet (and form
Table Of Houses: An astrological reference table, correlated with a particular house system, which lists the zodiacal
Temporal Houses: House two, six and ten, ruled by earth signs; symbolic of the material aspects life. As a group they
Tenth House: Also known as the House of Social Status. It represents one's vocation, career, profession, ambition
Terminal Houses: Those houses ruled naturally by water signs: four, eight and twelve. They pertain to endings and res
Terrestrial: Of the Earth, Earth-related.
Tetrabiblos: Ptolemy's four-volume treatise on astrology (second century). See also Ptolemy, Claudius.
Tetragon: An alternate term for the square aspect. See square.
Thales: 639-546 B.C., studied in Egypt and left nother in writing, but is said to have predicted an eclips w
Third House: Also known as the House of Communication. It is the way in which we express ourselves and think on a
Transit: The position and movement of a planet on a given day; used in reference to planets that pass over or
Transit: The position and movement of a planet or point on any given day.
Translation Of Light: A term used in horary astrology to describe the activity of a planet that applies in aspect, in turn
Tredecile, Trecile: A minor easy aspect belonging to the tenth harmonic (decile) group; separating distance 108°. Also
Tri-Septile: A seldom-used minor aspect, probably inharmonious, belonging to the septile (seventh harmonic) famil
Trigon: The three member signs of a triplicity. Also used as an alternate term for grand trine. See also gra
Trine: The third harmonic, 120°; the most influential major easy aspect. The trine blends planetary energi
Trine: An arc of 120 degrees; the most harmonious aspect. In most cases, it joins planets in congenial Sign
Triplicity: A group of three signs belonging to the same element: fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius); earth (Taurus,
Triplicity: See 'Elements.'
Tropical Signs: Cancer and Capricorn; so-called because they occupy parts of the ecliptic where the Sun reaches its
Tropical Zodiac: The circle of signs that follows the apparent path of the Sun (ecliptic). Also called the movable zo
Twelfth House: Also known as the House of the Unconscious. It represents the hidden or unknown, the subconscious mi
Under The Sunbeams: Said of a planet that is within 17° of the Sun but out of conjunction orb.
Universal Time: Greenwich Mean Time.
Uranian Astrology: A school of astrology, founded by Alfred Witte in Hamburg, Germany, which relies heavily upon the in
Uranus: Represents the erratic, the bizarre, and the different. It rules freedom, inventions, originality, c
Venus: Represents love, romance, beauty, culture, the aesthetic, affection, one's social appeal and accepta
Vernal: From the Latin vernus, belonging to spring; of or pertaining to spring. See also equinox.
Vertex: The point found in the western section of a horoscope that indicates the intersection of the eclipti
Vesta: The fourth asteroid of astrological interest discovered in the early nineteenth century. Named after
Vesta: Asteroid named for the Roman virgin fire goddess. Represents devotion, sexuality and health, as well
Via Combusta: Literally fiery way; refers to a section of fixed stars that falls between 15° Libra and 15° Scorp
Vigintile: Alternate term for semi-decile. See semi-decile.
Vocational Astrology: That branch of astrology devoted to career counseling in terms of the aptitudes and needs shown in t
Void Of Course: A term describing a planet that does not make a major aspect before changing Signs. It is used prima
Void-Of-Course: A term describing a planet that does not apply to a major aspect until it changes sign, usually conf
Vulcan: A hypothetical planet whose orbit is said to lie between Mercury and the Sun, about twelve million m
Vulkanus: The seventh symbolic planet used in Uranian astrology. See also Uranian astrology.
Waning: That phase of the lunation cycle from full Moon (Sun/Moon opposition) to new Moon (Sun/Moon conjunct
War Time: The name used for daylight saving time during periods of war. See also daylight saving time.
Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, members of the water triplicity that symbolize receptivity, sensitivity
Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Signs belonging to this Element represent an emotional, sensitive and in
Waxing: The phase of the lunation cycle from new Moon (Sun/Moon conjunction) to full (Sun/Moon opposition) d
Yod: An aspect configuration in which two planets in sextile both form a quincunx (inconjunct) with the s
Zenith: The point in the celestial sphere directly overhead; opposite the nadir. The zenith and nadir are th
Zeus: The third symbolic planet used in Uranian astrology. See also Uranian astrology.
Zodiac: From the Greek zodiakos, literally circle of animals. See also tropical zodiac, sidereal zodiac.
Zodiac: From the Greek 'zodiakos,' literally meaning 'circle of animals.' A band in the heavens divided into
Zodiacal Aspects: Aspects based upon planets' zodiacal longitude as distinguished from parallels and contaparallels, w