Path Length

Science / Chemistry / Path Length: In absorption spectroscopy, the length of a path taken by radiation through a sample.
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Other Words for Length

Length Verb Synonyms: extent, measure, span, reach, size, magnitude, dimension, measurement

Other Words for Path

Path Noun Synonyms: way, course, track, route, road, orbit, trajectory, circuit
Path Adjective Synonyms: footpath, pathway, tow-path, track, trail, walk, walkway, footway

Pathetic Fallacy

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Path-Dependent Option

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Pathogen; Pathogenic

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Entertainment / Literature / Pathos: In its rhetorical sense, pathos is a writer or speaker's attempt to inspire an emotional reaction in an audience--usually a deep feeling of suffering, but sometimes joy, pride, anger, humor, patriotis MORE

Path Length

Science / Chemistry / Path Length: In absorption spectroscopy, the length of a path taken by radiation through a sample. MORE