Science / Chemistry / Pure Substance: A sample of matter that cannot be separated into simpler components without chemical change. Physical changes can alter the state of matter but not the chemical identity of a pure substance. Pure substances have fixed, characteristic elemental compositions and properties.
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Pure Adjective Synonyms: theoretical, hypothetical, conjectural, speculative, abstract, conceptual, notional, philosophical, academic(al)
Pure Noun Synonyms: unmixed, unadulterated, unalloyed, simon-pure, 24-carat or also 24-karat, sterling, solid, real, genuine, authentic, flawless, faultless, perfect, natural, true, simple
Substance Noun Synonyms: meaning, import, significance, purport, signification, point
Substance Verb Synonyms: essence, pith, heart, core, gist, burden, theme, meat, kernel, nub, crux, sum total, sum and substance, point, gravamen, haecceity, quintessence, quiddity
Substance Adjective Synonyms: material, matter, stuff, fabric, composition, make-up
Science / Psychiatry / Pure Word Deafness: words that are heard cannot be comprehended MORE
Science / Chemistry / Pure Substance: A sample of matter that cannot be separated into simpler components without chemical change. Physical changes can alter the state of matter but not the chemical identity of a pure substance. Pure subs MORE
Life Style / Poetry / Pure Poetry: Verse that aims to delight rather than to instruct the reader. MORE
Business / Finance / Pure Yield Pickup Swap: Moving to higher yield-bonds. MORE
Health / Herbs / Queen of the Meadow Root (Eupatorum purpureum): Also known as gravel root or Joe-Pye Weed. Diuretic, anti-lithic, urinary infections, respiratory. MORE