Proven Reserves

Science / Geology / Proven Reserves: Deposits of fossil fuels whose location and extent are known, as opposed to potential but unproved ('discovered') deposits.
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Other Words for Reserves

Reserves Verb Synonyms: auxiliary, alternate, substitute, reinforcements, backup, spare
Reserves Noun Synonyms: store, stock, stockpile, inventory, supply, nest egg, reservoir, fund, hoard, cache

Official Reserves

Business / Finance / Official Reserves: Holdings of gold and foreign currencies by official monetary institutions. MORE

Proven Reserves

Science / Geology / Proven Reserves: Deposits of fossil fuels whose location and extent are known, as opposed to potential but unproved ('discovered') deposits. MORE

Required Reserves

Business / Finance / Required Reserves: The dollar amounts, based on reserve ratios, that banks are required to keep on deposit at a Federal Reserve Bank. MORE


Health / Health Insurance / Reserves: Estimates of money that an insurer needs to pay future business obligations. MORE

No-Take Reserves

Science / Marine Biology / No-Take Reserves: Geographic areas where by law no one is allowed to fish or collect biological specimens. Rules could apply to one or all species. MORE

Loss Reserves

Business / Loan / Loss Reserves: That portion of a fund's earnings or permanent capital designated by the board of directors as a reserve against possible loan losses and, as such, unavailable for lending purposes. Generally accepted MORE