Science / Geology / Right-Lateral Fault: A fault with horizontal movement. If you are standing on one side of the fault and look across it, the block on the opposite side of the fault has moved to the right. (Also see Left-Lateral Fault.)
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Fault Adjective Synonyms: imperfection, flaw, defect, blemish, deficiency, shortcoming, failing, weakness, frailty, foible, peccadillo
Fault Noun Synonyms: mistake, error, blunder, lapse, failure, offence, oversight, slip(-up), indiscretion, gaffe, gaucherie, faux pas, boner, howler, goof, boo-boo, boob
Science / Geology / Left-Lateral Fault: A fault with horizontal movement. If you are standing on one side of the fault and look across it the block on the opposite side of the fault has moved to the left. (Also see Right-Lateral Fault.) MORE
Science / Geology / Normal Fault: A fault with vertical movement and an inclined fault plane. The block above the fault has moved down relative to the block below the fault. MORE
Business / Construction / Ground Fault: Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI, GFI) - an ultra sensitive plug designed to shut off all electric current. Used in bathrooms, kitchens, exterior waterproof outlets, garage outlets, and 'wet are MORE
Technology / Computers / General Protection Fault: GPF, short for General Protection Fault, is a computer condition that causes a Windows application to crash. The most common cause of a GPF is two applications trying to use the same block of memory, MORE
Entertainment / Tennis / Foot Fault: When a player, during the serve, steps on or over the baseline into the court before striking the ball, which results in a service fault. A foot fault may also occur when the player steps on or across MORE
Business / Real Estate / Notice Of Default: A notice to a defaulting party announcing that a default has occurred. The defaulting party is usually provided a grace period during which to cure the default. Notices of default are frequently provi MORE