Seismic Surface Wave

Science / Geology / Seismic Surface Wave: A seismic wave that follows the earth's surface only, with a speed less than that of S-waves. There are Raleigh waves (forward and vertical vibrations) and Love waves (transverse vibrations).
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Other Words for Surface

Surface Adjective Synonyms: exterior, covering, outside, top, skin, integument, facade, face, boundary, interface, superficies, side, plane
Surface Adverb Synonyms: pave, concrete, tarmac

Other Words for Wave

Wave Adjective Synonyms: swell, undulation, billow, sea, heave, roller, whitecap, white horse, ripple, wavelet, breaker, comber

Surface Boundary Layer

Science / Weather / Surface Boundary Layer: The lowest layer of the earth's atmosphere, usually up to 3,300 feet, or one kilometer, from the earth's surface, where the wind is influenced by the friction of the earth's surface and the objects on MORE

Surface (Mounting)

Technology / Home Audio / Surface (Mounting): A method of mounting speakers in which the external parts of the upper speaker protrude above the surface on which it is mounted. MORE


Life Style / Travel / Surface: Travel over land that does not involve an aircraft. MORE

Subsurface Rights

Business / Real Estate / Subsurface Rights: Ownership rights in a parcel of real estate to the water, minerals, gas, oil and so forth that lie beneath the surface of the property. MORE

Surface Development

Entertainment / Photography / Surface Development: Development process in which the image forms primarily on the surface of the emulsion and then penetrates deeper. MORE

Surface Grinding

Business / Machine Shop / Surface Grinding: The process of grinding flat surfaces on a surface grinding machine. With special setups, angular and form surfaces may also be ground. MORE