Science / Weather / Azores High: A semi-permanent, subtropical area of high pressure in the North Atlantic Ocean that migrates east and west with varying central pressure. Depending on the season, it has different names. In the Northern Hemispheric winter and early spring, when the Icelandic Low dominates the North Atlantic, it is primarily centered near the Azores Islands. When it is displaced westward, during the summer and fall, the center is located in the western North Atlantic, near Bermuda, and is known as the Bermuda High.
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High Adjective Synonyms: tall, lofty, elevated, towering
High Noun Synonyms: anticyclone
High Adverb Synonyms: intoxication, altered consciousness
Life Style / Painting / Highlight: A point of intense brightness, such as the reflection in an eye. MORE
Business / Construction / Highlights: A light spot, area, or streak on a painted surface. MORE
Business / Finance / Highjacking: A bond with Triple-A or Double-A rating in Standard & Poor's, or Moody's rating system. MORE