Science / Weather / Cold Advection: The horizontal movement of colder air into a location. Contrast with warm advection.
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Cold Noun Synonyms: head or chest or common cold, influenza, ague, (la or the) grippe, coryza, gravedo, sniffles, the flu, bug, sneezles and wheezles
Cold Adjective Synonyms: chill, chilly, frosty, icy, keen, nippy, freezing, frigid, ice-cold, stone-cold, bitter, bitter-cold, raw, biting, biting-cold, numbing, gelid, wintry, hibernal, brumal, arctic, glacial, polar, hyperborean or hyperboreal, Siberian
Business / Finance / Cold-Calling: Refers to the fact that the merger of two firms lessens the probability of default on either firm's debt. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Cold-Light Enlarger: Enlarger using cold cathode illumination. A diffusion type of enlarger. These types of enlarger heads scatter the light more evenly across the surface of the negative. One advantage of the cold light MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Cold Work: Cold working refers to forming, bending, or hammering a metal well below the melting point. Cold working of metals causes hardening, making them stronger but less ductile. MORE
Science / Weather / Cold Wave: A rapid fall in temperature within twenty-four hours to temperatures requiring substantially increased protection to agriculture, industry, commerce, and social activities. National Weather Service cr MORE
Life Style / Painting / Cold Pressed: Watercolour paper that is Cold Pressed (CP) or 'Not' Pressed (NP) has mildly rough texture. It takes colour smoothly but the tooth allows for slight irregularities and graining in washes. MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Cold-Rolled Steel: Steel that has been rolled to accurate size and smooth finish when made. In contrast, hot-rolled steel may have a rough, pitted surface and slag inclusion. MORE