Science / Weather / Cold Air Funnel: Funnel clouds, usually short-lived, that develop from relatively small showers or thunderstorms when the air aloft is very in cold. Cold air funnels may touch down briefly, but in general are less violent than most other types of tornadoes.
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Air Noun Synonyms: atmosphere, ambience, aura, climate, feeling, sense, mood, quality
Cold Noun Synonyms: head or chest or common cold, influenza, ague, (la or the) grippe, coryza, gravedo, sniffles, the flu, bug, sneezles and wheezles
Cold Adjective Synonyms: chill, chilly, frosty, icy, keen, nippy, freezing, frigid, ice-cold, stone-cold, bitter, bitter-cold, raw, biting, biting-cold, numbing, gelid, wintry, hibernal, brumal, arctic, glacial, polar, hyperborean or hyperboreal, Siberian
Entertainment / Literature / Gair Llanw: In Welsh poetry such as the strict meters (cynghanedd), a common technique to fill out the necessary syllables in a line is to add a gair llanw, a parenthetical word or phrase--often functioning much MORE
Life Style / Travel / Funnel Flight: A flight, such as on a regional or commuter carrier, that ' feeds ' larger planes which continue on to other destinations. Also, the use of a single flight number for an itinerary that really involves MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Ground Under Repair: Any area of the course undergoing repair (usually marked with white lines) MORE
Science / Biology / Hair Bulb: The base of a hair; contains cells that divide mitotically to produce columns of hair cells. MORE
Science / Biology / Hair Shaft: The portion of a hair that extends above the skins surface. MORE