Science / Weather / Cold High: A high pressure system that has its coldest temperatures at or near the center of circulation, and horizontally, is thermally barotropic. It is shallow in nature, as circulation decreases with height. Associated with cold Arctic air, it is usually stationary. Also known as a cold core high. Contrast with a warm high.
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Cold Adjective Synonyms: chill, chilly, frosty, icy, keen, nippy, freezing, frigid, ice-cold, stone-cold, bitter, bitter-cold, raw, biting, biting-cold, numbing, gelid, wintry, hibernal, brumal, arctic, glacial, polar, hyperborean or hyperboreal, Siberian
Cold Noun Synonyms: head or chest or common cold, influenza, ague, (la or the) grippe, coryza, gravedo, sniffles, the flu, bug, sneezles and wheezles
High Noun Synonyms: anticyclone
High Adjective Synonyms: tall, lofty, elevated, towering
High Adverb Synonyms: intoxication, altered consciousness
Entertainment / Bowling / Higher: Farther to the left for right-handers, to the right for left-handed bowlers. MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Higher High Water (HHW): The highest of the high waters (or single high water) of any specified tidal day due to the declinational effects of the Moon and Sun. MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Higher Low Water (HLW): The highest of the low waters of any specified tidal day due to the declinational effects of the Moon and Sun. MORE