Science / Weather / Corona: A pastel halo around the moon or sun created by the diffraction of water droplets. The droplets in the cloud, such as cirrostratus, and the cloud layer itself must be almost perfectly uniform in order for this phenomena to occur. The color display sometimes appears to be iridescent.
Search Google for Corona:
Health / Dentistry / Extracoronal: The outside of the crown of the tooth. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Intracoronal: The area within the crown of a tooth. MORE
Science / Biology / Coronary Arteries: Arteries that supply the hearts muscle fibers with nutrients and oxygen. MORE
Health / Fitness / Coronary Occlusion: The blocking of the coronary blood vessels. MORE
Health / Fitness / Coronary Heart Disease (Chd): Diseases of the heart muscle and the blood vessels that supply it with oxygen, high risk factor for a heart attack. MORE
Health / Fitness / Coronary Circulation: Circulation of blood to the heart muscle associated with the blood carrying capacity of a specific vessel or development of collateral vessels (extra blood vessels). MORE