
Science / Weather / Earthquake: A sudden, transient motion or trembling of the earth's crust, resulting from the waves in the earth caused by faulting of the rocks or by volcanic activity.
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Earthquake Safety Disclosure

Business / Real Estate / Earthquake Safety Disclosure: By California law, real estate agents or owners are required to prepare a Residential Earthquake Hazards Report disclosing the earthquake safety preparedness of all houses sold in the state. MORE

Homeowners Guide To Earthquake Safety

Business / Real Estate / Homeowners Guide To Earthquake Safety: A document produced by the State of California Seismic Safety Commission intended to help inform homeowners on earthquake safety issues in homes. MORE

Focus (Earthquake)

Science / Geology / Focus (Earthquake): The point at which the rupture occurs: synonymous with hypocenter. MORE

Earthquake Strap

Business / Construction / Earthquake Strap: A metal strap used to secure gas hot water heaters to the framing or foundation of a house. Intended to reduce the chances of having the water heater fall over in an earthquake and causing a gas leak. MORE


Science / Geology / Epicenter: The point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus or hypocenter of an Earthquake. MORE