
Science / Weather / Equator: The geographic circle at 0 degrees latitude on the earth's surface. It is equal distance from the North and South Poles and divides the Northern Hemisphere from the Southern.
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South Equatorial Current

Science / Tides and Currents / South Equatorial Current: A current setting west-ward along and south of the Equator in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and south of the Equator in the Indian Ocean. It occurs immediately south of the Equatorial Counter Curre MORE

Equatorial Undercurrent

Science / Tides and Currents / Equatorial Undercurrent: A subsurface current setting eastward along the Equator in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. In the Pacific, its core of maximum velocity lies at a depth of about 100 meters within the South E MORE

Equatorial Tides

Science / Tides and Currents / Equatorial Tides: Tides occurring semimonthly as a result of the Moon being over the Equator. At these times the tendency of the Moon to produce a diurnal inequality in the tide is at a minimum. MORE

Equatorial Tidal Currents

Science / Tides and Currents / Equatorial Tidal Currents: Tidal currents occurring semimonthly as a result of the Moon being over the Equator. At these times the tendency of the Moon to produce a diurnal inequality in the tidal current is at a minimum. MORE

North Equatorial Current

Science / Tides and Currents / North Equatorial Current: A current setting west-ward in the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans and in the Indian Ocean from about October to July. It occurs immediately north of the Equatorial Counter Current. MORE

Equatorial Countercurrent

Science / Tides and Currents / Equatorial Countercurrent: A current setting eastward between the North and South Equatorial Currents of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian (in northern winter) Oceans. In the Atlantic and Pacific, its axis lies about latitude 7 MORE