Flanking Line

Science / Weather / Flanking Line: A line of attached cumulus or towering cumulus clouds of descending height, appearing as stair steps (usually on the southwest side) of the most active part of a supercell.
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Other Words for Line

Line Adjective Synonyms: mark, pencil-mark, pen-mark, rule, score, stroke, underline, underscore, diagonal, slash, virgule, shilling-mark, solidus, separatrix, oblique
Line Verb Synonyms: interline, cover, face, ceil
Line Noun Synonyms: wrinkle, crease, crinkle, furrow, crow's-foot


Health / Vitamins / Noradrenaline: Also known as norepinephrine. A chemical involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. MORE

Nonlinear Editing (NLE)

Technology / Television (TV) / Nonlinear Editing (NLE): Editing performed on a computer, in which shots do not have to be placed one after the other (i.e., in a linear fashion). MORE

Nodal Line

Science / Tides and Currents / Nodal Line: A line in an oscillating body of water along which there is a minimum or zero rise and fall of the tide. MORE

Nutrition Guidelines

Business / Agriculture / Nutrition Guidelines: Federal guidelines established for meals served in child nutrition meal service programs governing the types of foods and nutrient content required in order to be eligible for reimbursement. MORE

Offline Connection

Life Style / Travel / Offline Connection: When a passenger changes air carriers on their route to their destination. MORE

On The Sidelines

Business / Finance / On The Sidelines: An investor who decides not to invest due to market uncertainty. MORE