Science / Weather / Flash Flood: A flood that rises and falls quite rapidly with little or no advance warning, usually as the result of intense rainfall over a relatively small area. Flash floods can be caused by situations such as a sudden excessive rainfall, the failure of a dam, or the thaw of an ice jam.
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Flash Verb Synonyms: dazzling, showy, ostentatious, smart, chic, swish, classy, ritzy, snazzy
Flash Noun Synonyms: blaze, flame, flare, burst, dazzle, spark, sparkle, coruscation, fulguration, glitter, twinkle, twinkling, flicker, flickering, scintilla, scintillation, glint, shimmer, glimmer, gleam, beam, ray, shaft
Flood Verb Synonyms: inundation, deluge, overflow(ing), d�b�cle
Flood Noun Synonyms: abundance, deluge, overflowing, surge, outpouring, torrent, tide, tidal wave, stream, rush, flow, glut, surfeit, satiety, profusion, over-abundance, superabundance, nimiety, plethora, excess, surplus, superfluity
Science / Geology / Flood Tide: A tidal current that generally moves landward and occurs during the part of the tide cycle when sea level is rising. (See neap tide for contrast.) MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Flood Strength: Phase of the flood tidal current at the time of maximum speed. Also, the speed at this time. See strength of current. MORE
Science / Psychiatry / Flooding: A behavior therapy procedure for phobias and other problems involving maladaptive anxiety, in which anxiety producers are presented in intense forms, either in imagination or in real life. The present MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Floodlight: Artificial light source with a dish shaped reflector and a 125-500+ watt tungsten filament lamp producing evenly spread illumination over the subject. MORE
Science / Weather / Green Flash: A brilliant green coloration of the upper edge of the sun, occasionally seen as the sun's apparent disk is about to set below a clear horizon. MORE
Science / Geology / Flood Stage: A water height that is reached when the discharge of a stream exceeds the capacity of the channel. MORE