Forecast Noun Synonyms: predict, foretell, prophesy, prognosticate, foresee, augur, presage, vaticinate, anticipate, forewarn, calculate
Business / Finance / Forecast Year: The month and year on which the forecast period begins. See also Forecast Year. MORE
Business / Finance / Forecast Start Date: The period of time for which a business is modeled. Depending on the forecast start month, the first year of the forecast period may not be a complete forecast year. See also Forecast Year. MORE
Science / Weather / Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF): A forecast of rainfall, snowfall or liquid equivalent of snowfall. MORE
Business / Accounting / Cash Flow Forecast: A report which estimates the cash flow in the future (usually required by a bank before it will lend you money, or take on your account). MORE
Business / Finance / Sales Forecast: A key input to a firm's financial planning process. External sales forecasts are based on historical experience, statistical analysis, and consideration of various macroeconomic factors. MORE
Business / Finance / Whisper Number Or Forecast: Buying stocks just before prices fall and selling stocks just before prices rise in a volatile market, often as the result of misleading signals. MORE