Gravity Adjective Synonyms: gravitation, attraction
Gravity Noun Synonyms: seriousness, acuteness, immediacy, importance, significance, weight, magnitude, severity, urgency, exigency, momentousness, weightiness
Science / Chemistry / Specific Gravity: The mass of a unit volume of a substance relative to the mass of a unit volume of water. Temperature must be specified when reporting specific gravities, since the density of the substance and of wate MORE
Technology / Aviation / Center Of Gravity (Cg): The longitudinal and lateral point in an aircraft where it is stable: the static balance point. MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Gravity Wave: A wave for which the restoring force is gravity. MORE
Science / Geology / Gravity Survey: The measurement of gravity at regularly spaced grid points with repetitions to control instrument drift. MORE
Science / Geology / Gravity Anomaly: The value of gravity left after subtracting from a gravity measurement the reference value based on latitude, and possibly the free-air and Bouguer corrections. MORE
Health / Massage / Alchemical Synergy: Developed by Kamala Renner, Alchemical Synergy is a process of evolving universal energy patterns and is used as a holistic counseling system that focuses on achieving transformation by utilizing the MORE