Science / Weather / Heat Lightning: Lightning that appears as a glowing flash on the horizon. It is actually lightning occurring in distant thunderstorms, just over the horizon and too far away for thunder to be heard.
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Heat Adjective Synonyms: warmth, warmness, hotness, fever, fieriness, torridity or torridness
Heat Noun Synonyms: warm (up)
Science / Weather / Heating Degree Day: One heating degree day is given for each degree that the daily mean temperature is below 65°F. It is used as an indication of fuel consumption. MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Heathland: Open uncultivated land (particularly in the british isles) having sandy soil and dominated by small shrubs with small hard leaves (e.g., heather) MORE
Business / Construction / Heating Load: The amount of heating required to keep a building at a specified temperature during the winter, usually 65° F, regardless of outside temperature. MORE
Business / Agriculture / International Wheat Agreement (IWA): Replaced in 1995 by the International Grains Agreement. MORE
Science / Weather / Lightning: A sudden and visible discharge of electricity produced in response to the build up of electrical potential between cloud and ground, between clouds, within a single cloud, or between a cloud and surro MORE
Science / Chemistry / Latent Heat: Heat that is absorbed without causing a rise in temperature. For example, 'latent heat of vaporization' refers to the amount of heat required to convert a liquid to vapor at a particular temperature. MORE