Science / Weather / Heating Degree Day: One heating degree day is given for each degree that the daily mean temperature is below 65°F. It is used as an indication of fuel consumption.
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Day Verb Synonyms: daytime, daylight, broad daylight, light of day
Day Noun Synonyms: time, hour, age, period, era, epoch, date, prime, heyday, lifetime
Degree Noun Synonyms: measure, magnitude, extent, limit, point, lengths, step
Degree Adjective Synonyms: grade, level, stage, class, caste, rank, order, scale, standing, status, station, position, situation, estate, condition
Entertainment / Golf / Moving Day: Saturday of a tournament taking place thursday through sunday, refers to the fact that it is common for a field of professional golfers to go through a substantial reshuffling in the standings once th MORE
Science / Astrology / Mutilated Degrees: So designated because of the ancient belief that if the Ascendant, chart ruler or Moon occupied any of these degrees, lameness was indicated. Sometimes referred to as lame degrees, they are: 6°-10° MORE
Life Style / Holiday / National Grandparents Day: The first Sunday after Labor Day has been declared National Grandparents Day in the United States. The proclamation for the holiday was signed by President Jimmy Carter in 1978. The September date was MORE
Life Style / Holiday / New Years Day: The tradition of ringing in the new year began from the Roman God Janus, who had two faces - one for looking forward the other for looking backward. Julius Caesar, the Roman emperor, decided that the MORE
Life Style / Holiday / Mothers Day: Mother's Day is a little over 100 years old. It started after the American Civil War in the early 1860s, when Julia Ward Howe launched a Mother's Day for Peace. The first Mother's Day for peace was he MORE
Life Style / Holiday / Midsummers Day-Eve: Midsummer's Eve - the night before Midsummer's Day is a time for fairies and magic according to old European traditions. It is also a time for telling the future and for discovering your true love. Mi MORE