Hudson Bay Low

Science / Weather / Hudson Bay Low: An area of low pressure over or near the Hudson Bay area of Canada that often introduces cold air to the north central and northeast United States.
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Other Words for Low

Low Adjective Synonyms: short, squat, little, small, stubby, stumpy, stunted, low-lying

Make Allowance (Or Milk Manufacturing Marketing Adjustment)

Business / Agriculture / Make Allowance (Or Milk Manufacturing Marketing Adjustment): The margin between the government support price for milk and the CCC’s purchase price for butter, nonfat dry milk, and cheese. This margin is administratively set to cover the costs of 'making' milk MORE

Mainstream Flow

Science / Marine Biology / Mainstream Flow: The flow in a part of the fluid (e.g., in a tidal creek) that is well above the bottom or well away from a surface and essentially not under the influence of the boundary layer (see boundary layer). MORE


Technology / Motorcycle / Lowsiding: Lowsiding occurs when a motorcycle falls over and drops the rider to the ground. Some riders have been known to deliberately drop their bikes to avoid an accident. This is usually a bad idea since fal MORE


Entertainment / Bowling / Marshmallow: A soft hitting ball; ineffective ball. MORE

Marshmallow root (Althea officinalis)

Health / Herbs / Marshmallow root (Althea officinalis): The root soothes mucous membranes, helps heal wounds, ointments and cremes made from the root are effective on chapped hands and lips, internally treats inflammation and problems of the genito-urinary MORE

Mean Low Water Line (MLWL)

Science / Tides and Currents / Mean Low Water Line (MLWL): The line on a chart or map which represents the intersection of the land with the water surface at the elevation of mean low water. MORE