Science / Weather / Mixed Precipitation: Any of the following combinations of freezing and frozen precipitation: snow and sleet, snow and freezing rain, or sleet alone. Rain may also be present.
Search Google for Mixed Precipitation:
Mixed Noun Synonyms: confused, muddled, varied, various, diverse, conflicting, contradictory, opposing, clashing, opposite
Mixed Verb Synonyms: hybrid, half-bred, mongrel, interbred, cross-bred, impure, tainted, adulterated
Precipitation Adjective Synonyms: showers, drizzle, downpour, rain, rainfall, snow, snowfall, hail, sleet
Science / Weather / Mixed Precipitation: Any of the following combinations of freezing and frozen precipitation: snow and sleet, snow and freezing rain, or sleet alone. Rain may also be present. MORE
Life Style / Poetry / Mixed Metaphor: two awkwardly-yoked metaphors, such as 'kicking the spurs of zeal on the road to Abraham's bosom.' MORE
Life Style / Painting / Mixed Media: One or more medium used in the same picture. Thus pastel and ink, pastel and water-colour, tempera and water-colour, etc. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Mixed-Use Developments (MUDS): MUDs combine office space, stores, theaters and apartment units in a single community. MUDs usually contain and offer laundry facilities, restaurants, food stores, valet shops, beauty parlors, barbers MORE
Science / Biology / Precipitation: The part of the hydrologic cycle in which the water vapor in the atmosphere falls to Earth as rain or snow. MORE
Business / Construction / Ready Mixed Concrete: Concrete mixed at a plant or in trucks en route to a job and delivered ready for placement. MORE