Technology / Rockets / Newton-Second (N-s): The Newton-second is a measure of total impulse and is the product of applied force multiplied by time. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Newtonian Fluid: A fluid whose viscosity doesn't depend on gradients in flow speed. Gases and low-molecular weight liquids are usually Newtonian fluids. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Non-Newtonian Fluid: A fluid whose viscosity changes when the gradient in flow speed changes. Colloidal suspensions and polymer solutions like ketchup and starch/water paste are non-Newtonian fluids. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Newtons Rings: Are rings of colored light produced when two glass or transparent surfaces are in partial contact. MORE
Technology / Rockets / Total Impulse: The total impulse of a rocket motor is the measure of its power which is measured in Newton seconds. In model & high power rocketry, the total impulse of a motor is indicated by a letter. The table be MORE
Business / Finance / Gold Standard: A mutual fund that primarily invests in gold-mining companies' stock. MORE