Sea Fog

Science / Weather / Sea Fog: A type of advection fog which forms in warm moist air cooled to saturation as the air moves across cold water.
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Other Words for Fog

Fog Verb Synonyms: trance, daze, stupor, brown study, confused state, coma
Fog Noun Synonyms: mist, haze, smog, vapour, cloud, pea-souper

Other Words for Sea

Sea Adjective Synonyms: ocean, deep blue sea, high seas, (briny) deep, (bounding) main, Neptune's or Poseidon's kingdom or domain, blue water, Davy Jones's locker, briny, drink, pond (= 'Atlantic Ocean')
Sea Verb Synonyms: swell, breaker, wave

Sealed (Enclosure)

Technology / Home Audio / Sealed (Enclosure): Sometimes known as an Acoustic suspension type, the sealed enclosure is a simple design in which each woofer is mounted in a sealed, airtight box or compartment with a specific internal volume for pre MORE


Business / Construction / Sealer: A finishing material, either clear or pigmented, that is usually applied directly over raw wood for the purpose of sealing the wood surface. MORE


Science / Geology / Seamount: A mountain on the sea floor that has at least 1000 meters of local relief. Most seamounts are shield volcanoes. (See also Guyot.) MORE


Technology / Aviation / Seaplane: A water-based aircraft with a boat-hull fuselage, often amphibious.The term is also used generically to define a similar Flying Boat and a pontoon FLOATPLANE. MORE


Health / Dentistry / Sealant: A composite material used to seal the decay-prone pits, fissures, and grooves of children's teeth to prevent decay. MORE


Entertainment / Golf / Seagoer: A long putt, usually used in reference to making such a putt MORE