Science / Weather / Snow Depth: The actual depth of snow on the ground at any instant during a storm, or after any single snowstorm or series of storms.
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Depth Noun Synonyms: profundity, profoundness, abstruseness, obscurity, reconditeness, complexity, intricacy
Depth Adjective Synonyms: deepness, extent, measure, profundity, profoundness
Science / Weather / Snow Line: The lowest elevation area of a perennial snow field on high terrain, such as a mountain range. MORE
Science / Weather / Snow Level: The elevation in mountainous terrain where the precipitation changes from rain to snow, depending on the temperature structure of the associated air mass. MORE
Science / Weather / Snow Pellets: Frozen precipitation in the form of white, round or conical opaque grains of ice. Their diameter ranges from 0.08 to 0.2 inch (2 to 5 mm). They are easily crushed and generally break up after reboundi MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Snow Plow: Normally a ball that hits high and plows through the pins for a strike. A strike ball. MORE
Science / Weather / Snow Roller: The product of moist, cohesive snow that when initiated by wind rolls across the landscape, gathering snow until it can no longer move. It is shaped like a rolled sleeping bag, some reaching four feet MORE
Science / Weather / Snow Grains: Frozen precipitation in the form of very small, white, opaque grains of ice. The solid equivalent of drizzle. It is reported as 'SG' in an observation and on the METAR. MORE