St. Elmos Fire

Science / Weather / St. Elmos Fire: A luminous, and often audible, electric discharge that is sporadic in nature. It occurs from objects, especially pointed ones, when the electrical field strength near their surfaces attains a value near 1000 volts per centimeter. It often occurs during stormy weather and might be seen on a ship's mast or yardarm, aircraft, lightning rods, and steeples. Also known as corposant or corona discharge.
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Other Words for Fire

Fire Adjective Synonyms: feeling, passion, ardor, ardency, fervor, fervency, intensity, vigor, spirit, energy, vim, vivacity, sparkle, animation, liveliness, verve, pep, dash, vitality, eagerness, enthusiasm, fever, feverishness
Fire Noun Synonyms: flame(s), blaze, conflagration, holocaust, inferno
Fire Verb Synonyms: detonate, set off, ignite, set fire to, light, let off


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