Science / Weather / Sunrise: The daily appearance of the sun on the eastern horizon as a result of the earth's rotation. In the United States, it is considered as that instant when the upper edge of the sun appears on the sea level horizon. In Great Britain, the center of the sun's disk is used instead. Time of sunrise is calculated for mean sea level.
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Business / Finance / Sunrise Industries: Costs that have been incurred and cannot be reversed. MORE
Science / Astrology / Apparent Motion: The motion of a heavenly body as seen from earth. Thus, people refer to 'Sunrise' when, in fact, it is the Earth which moves. Planet seem to rise over the Ascendant although they are actually travelin MORE
Science / Astrology / Animoder Of Tetrabiblos: A method of birth time rectification, now obsolete, presented by Ptolemy. Sometimes refered to as the Sunrise Indicator. MORE