Technology / Aviation / Cat: Clear-Air Turbulence.
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Health / Massage / Cathiodermi: Cathiodermi is a rejuvenating treatment for the skin that provides deep cleansing and oxygenation of outer tissue layers, removing impurities and stimulating regeneration. The treatment involves the u MORE
Life Style / Travel / Category: A price gradient of cabins, usually presented from the most expensive to the least expensive. Cabins in the same category are usually on the same deck and general location, and provide similar feature MORE
Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Catch All Listing: A listing used by pay per click search engines to monetize long tail terms that are not yet targeted by marketers. This technique may be valuable if you have very competitive key words, but is not ide MORE
Science / Chemistry / Catalyst: A substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction, without being consumed or produced by the reaction. Catalysts speed both the forward and reverse reactions, without changing the position of MORE
Science / Chemistry / Cathode Ray: A negatively charged beam that emanates from the cathode of a discharge tube. Cathode rays are streams of electrons. MORE
Life Style / Travel / R2 Category: Category: on norwegian cruise lines, r2 is an 'outside guarantee' cabin. When you book this category you will be guaranteed accommodation in an outside cabin. MORE