Technology / Computers / Clock Speed: The clock speed is the frequency which determines how fast devices that are connected to the system bus operate. The speed is measured in millions of cycles per second (MHz or megahertz) and is generated by a quartz crystal on the motherboard which acts as a kind of metronome. Devices that are synchronized with the clock may run faster or slower but their speed is determined by multiplying or dividing a factor by the clock speed.
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Speed Noun Synonyms: rapidity, fleetness, quickness, speediness, swiftness, velocity, dispatch or despatch, hurry, hurriedness, haste, hastiness, celerity, alacrity, expeditiousness, expedition, briskness, promptness, timeliness, suddenness, precipitateness, precipitousness,
Speed Adjective Synonyms: hasten, make haste, hurry, rush, charge, dart, bolt, shoot, run, race, sprint, fly, streak, scurry, tear, hustle, scramble, scamper, career, bowl along, go or fly like the wind, go hell for leather, go like a bat out of hell, belt along, step on it
Technology / Digital Cameras / Shutter Speed: The speed at which a digital camera's shutter exposes the image sensor to light. A shutter speed of 1/60 means that the sensor is exposed to light for 1/60th of a second. Faster shutter speeds are goo MORE
Entertainment / Basketball / Shot Clock: A clock that limits the time a team with the ball has to shoot it. MORE
Technology / Aviation / Sinking Speed: The speed at which an aircraft loses altitude, especially in a glide in still air under given conditions of equilibrium. MORE