Technology / Computers / Daisy Chain: A hardware configuration in which devices are connected one to another in a series. The SCSI interface , for example, supports a daisy chain of up to 7 devices.
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Chain Verb Synonyms: shackle, secure, fasten, bind, gyve, confine, fetter, restrain, confine, restrict, tie, limit
Chain Noun Synonyms: string, series, combination, sequence, succession, train, course, set, concatenation
Science / Marine Biology / Food Chain Efficiency: Amount of energy of some other quantity extracted from a trophic level, divided by the amount of energy produced by the next-lower trophic level MORE
Science / Biology / Food Chain: The simplest representation of energy fiow in a community. At the base is energy stored in plants, which are eaten by small organisms, which in turn are eaten by progressively larger organisms; the fo MORE
Business / Taxes / Options Chain: Options chains are charts showing all the options currently available on a particular underlying instrument. A chain, also called an options string, provides the latest price quotes for all of those c MORE
Science / Biology / Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR): A method of amplifying or copying DNA fragments that is faster than cloning. The fragments are combined with DNA polymerase, nucleotides, and other components to form a mixture in which the DNA is cyc MORE
Business / Finance / Replacement-Chain Problem: Idea that future replacement decisions must be taken into account in selecting among projects. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Endless Chain: A method of prospecting where agents asks each prospect to recommend other prospects. MORE