
Technology / Computers / Driver: A driver is a software program that is the driving force behind a device. Each computer device needs a driver. Many drivers are included with a computers operating system when you purchase it such as; keyboard, monitor and disk drives. In a Windows operating system, the divers file extension is .DRV. In a DOS system, they are .SYS. The driver is written with specific commands for the device it is written for.
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Piezoelectric Driver

Technology / Home Audio / Piezoelectric Driver: This is among the most robust and least expensive alternative drivers for the high frequency reproduction. The material used in the Piezoelectric Driver is a piezoelectric polymer first developed in t MORE

Electrostatic Driver

Technology / Home Audio / Electrostatic Driver: The Electrostatic Driver generates a motive force for its diaphragm by the interaction of electric rather than magnetic fields as is the case for the dynamic driver. The electrostatic driver is basica MORE

Compression Driver

Technology / Home Audio / Compression Driver: Compression drivers are usually dynamic; that is, with a magnet and interacting coil arrangement, and a small diaphragm as the main transducer. These are the motor parts, also known as the driver, of MORE