Technology / Computers / Internal Modem: A modem that resides on an expansion board that plugs into a computer. In contrast, an external modem is a box that attaches to a computer's COM port via cables.
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Business / Human Resources (HR) / Internal Recruitment: The practice of assessing the employer’s current workforce to determine whether or not current employees possess the required skills or qualifications to fill specific vacancies either through promo MORE
Business / Finance / Internal Revenue Code: The various statutes and regulatilons making up federal tax law. MORE
Business / Finance / Internal Revenue Service (IRS): The federal agency responsible for the collection of federal taxes, including personal and corporate income taxes, Social Security taxes, and excise and gift taxes. MORE
Business / Finance / Internal Revenue Service Restructuring And Reform Act Of 1998: The legislation targeted at IRS reform, particularly related to the time period required for capital gains and taxpayer protection and rights. MORE
Business / Finance / Internal Rate Of Return (IRR): Dollar-weighted rate of return. Discount rate at which net present value (NPV) investment is zero. The rate at which a bond's future cash flows, discounted back to today, equal its price. MORE
Technology / Computers / Internal Modem: A modem that resides on an expansion board that plugs into a computer. In contrast, an external modem is a box that attaches to a computer's COM port via cables. MORE