Technology / Computers / QWERTY Keyboard: The modern standard keyboard or typewriter keyboard. Gets its name from the characters across the top row, from left to right. Q-W-E-R-T-Y.
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Technology / Computers / QWERTY Keyboard: The modern standard keyboard or typewriter keyboard. Gets its name from the characters across the top row, from left to right. Q-W-E-R-T-Y. MORE
Technology / Computers / Keyboard-Video-Mouse Switch (KVM): A piece of hardware that connects two or more computers to a single keyboard, monitor and mouse. Imagine you have a row of 4 computers that all serve as file servers. Why waste money buying 4 monitors MORE
Technology / Computers / Keyboard Macro: A series of keystrokes that are automatically input when a single key is pressed. Used often in Office application delivery for improved speed of performance and in PC gaming to take the place of labo MORE
Entertainment / Music / Keyboard Instrument: Instrument sounded by means of a keyboard (a series of keys played with the fingers). The most commonly recognized keyboard instruments are the piano, organ, harpsichord and synthesizer, a recent inve MORE