Technology / Computers / Registered Memory: This memory uses 'registers' which are extra chips designed to delay the flow of data. By delaying the data flow, it allows for better control over communication in systems with heavily loaded memory.
Search Google for Registered Memory:
Memory Noun Synonyms: remembrance, honor, homage, respect, tribute, celebration
Memory Verb Synonyms: recall, recollection, retention
Business / Taxes / Registered Investment Adviser (RIA): Investment advisers who register with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and agree to be regulated by SEC rules are known as registered investment advisers. Only a small percentage of all in MORE
Business / Finance / Registered Investment Adviser: SEC-registered individual or firm that substantiates completion of education and work experience in the field, and pays an annual membership fee. MORE
Business / Finance / Registered Equity Market Maker: Member firm of the American Stock Exchange registered as a trader to make stabilizing trades for its own account in particular securities. MORE
Business / Finance / Registered Investment Company: An investment firm which is registered with the SEC and complies with certain stated legal requirements. MORE
Technology / Computers / Registered Memory: This memory uses 'registers' which are extra chips designed to delay the flow of data. By delaying the data flow, it allows for better control over communication in systems with heavily loaded memory. MORE
Business / Finance / Registered Representative: A person registered with the CFTC who is employed by and solicits business for a commission house or futures commission merchant. MORE