
Technology / Computers / Suspend: A mode of operation with reduced power consumption. More power is conserved than with the Standby mode, but it can take longer to recover from the Suspend state.
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Other Words for Suspend

Suspend Verb Synonyms: hold up or off (on), withhold, put off, put or hold or keep in or into abeyance, shelve, postpone, delay, defer, interrupt, stop or check or cease or discontinue temporarily, table
Suspend Adjective Synonyms: hang, attach, fasten, dangle, swing

Suspended Trading

Business / Finance / Suspended Trading: A Eurobond issued by a Japanese corporation. MORE

Suspended Load

Science / Geology / Suspended Load: The fine sediment kept suspended in a stream because the settling velocity is lower than the upward velocity of eddies. MORE

Suspended Ceiling

Business / Construction / Suspended Ceiling: A ceiling system supported by hanging it from the overhead structural framing. MORE

Delayed Settlement-Delivery

Business / Finance / Delayed Settlement-Delivery: Postponement of the start of trading in a stock until correction of a gross imbalance in buy and sell orders. Such an imbalance is likely to follow on the heels of a significant event such as a takeov MORE

Trading Paper

Business / Finance / Trading Paper: When trading of a stock, bond, option or futures contract is stopped by an exchange while news is being broadcast about the security. See: Suspended trading. MORE