Technology / Computers / Voltage Regulator: A device that smooths out voltage irregularities in the power fed to the computer, to prevent damage to the power supply or other components.
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Technology / Home Audio / Vca (Voltage Controlled Amplifier): An amplifier whose output is controlled by varying its voltage rather than by direct resistance (as with a potentiometer). MORE
Business / Finance / Self-Regulatory Organization (SRO): Organizations that enforce fair, ethical, and efficient practices in the securities and commodity futures industries, including all national securities and commodities exchanges and the NASD. MORE
Business / Finance / Regulatory Surplus: The surplus as measured using regulatory accounting principles (RAP), which may allow the nonmarket valuation of assets or liabilities and which may be materially different from economic surplus. MORE
Science / Genetics / Regulatory Region Or Sequence: A dna base sequence that controls gene expression. MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Vcf (Voltage Controlled Filter): An audio filter whose effective frequency band is controlled by varying its voltage rather than with a potentiometer. MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Vco (Voltage Controlled Oscillator): An oscillator whose frequency output is controlled by varying its voltage rather than with a potentiometer. MORE