ZIF Socket

Technology / Computers / ZIF Socket: Zero Insertion Force socket. A special socket for plugging in integrated circuits easily. The socket can be opened with a small lever or screw; the chip is dropped in, then the socket is closed.
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Socket 8

Technology / Computers / Socket 8: The Socket 8 connection format was exclusively used on Intel Pentium Pro and Pentium II OverDrive processors. MORE

Zero Insertion Force (ZIF)

Technology / Computers / Zero Insertion Force (ZIF): Sockets that require no physical force to be used in order to insert the chip. Primarily used with modern CPUs. MORE

ZIF Socket

Technology / Computers / ZIF Socket: Zero Insertion Force socket. A special socket for plugging in integrated circuits easily. The socket can be opened with a small lever or screw; the chip is dropped in, then the socket is closed. MORE

Socket 7

Technology / Computers / Socket 7: Socket 7 is a connection format used on older processors such as the Cyrix M2, AMD K6 and K6-2. MORE


Technology / Computers / Socket: A receptacle on a motherboard that processors or chips can be plugged into. The slot varies by the type of chip it was designed to receive, usually based on pin count. MORE

Drill Socket

Business / Machine Shop / Drill Socket: An adapter similar to a sleeve except that it is made to adapt a larger taperedshank tool to a smaller size spindle. MORE