Technology / Email / Spam Filter: Systems that watch for spam and block it before it can hit the inbox. Spam filters can be complaint or content based.
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Filter Adjective Synonyms: sieve, colander, riddle, screen, strainer, gauze, cloth, cheesecloth, membrane
Filter Noun Synonyms: leach, percolate, drip, seep, dribble, trickle, drain, run or pass through, ooze
Entertainment / Photography / Panchromatic Vision Filter: Filter through which the subject can be viewed approximately as it would appear in monochrome as recorded by a panchromatic emulsion. MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Oil Filter: An Oil Filter filters the oil in the engine. Changing the oil and oil filter is one task that many riders do for themselves. Consult your owner's manual for recommended intervals and oil weights to us MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Polarizing Filter: Colorless gray filter made from stressed glass. Polarizing filters are used over light sources or camera lenses to reduce or remove specular reflection from certain types of surfaces. MORE
Life Style / Coffee / Portafilter: In espresso brewing , a metal object with plastic handle that holds the coffee filter, and clamps onto the group. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Sky Filter: Outdated term for a filter which has a graduated density across its surface. MORE
Business / Internet Marketing / Search Engine Spam: Excessive manipulation to influence search engine rankings, often for pages which contain little or no relevant content. MORE