Technology / Motorcycle / Fore-and-Aft Flat Twin: A flat-twin engine mounted with cylinders positioned in line with the frame.
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Flat Adverb Synonyms: room(s), flat, suite (of rooms), chambers, tenement, garden flat, maisonette, penthouse, studio, bedsitter, bedsit, accommodation, living quarters, digs , apartment, furnished room, walk-up, duplex, triplex
Flat Noun Synonyms: absolutely, completely, categorically, utterly, wholly, uncompromisingly, irrevocably, positively, definitely, directly, exactly, precisely, flatly
Flat Adjective Synonyms: level, horizontal, even, smooth, plane, unbroken, uninterrupted
Twin Adjective Synonyms: double, clone, duplicate, look-alike, counterpart, ringer
Business / Finance / Inflation Hedge: Accounting practices allowing for the effects of inflation. MORE
Business / Finance / Inflation Accounting: The rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising. MORE
Business / Accounting / Inflation: An increase in the general price level of goods and services: alternatively, a decrease in the purchasing power of the dollar. MORE
Business / Taxes / Inflation Rate: The inflation rate is a measure of changing prices, typically calculated on a month-to-month and year-to-year basis and expressed as a percentage. For example, each month the Bureau of Labor Statistic MORE
Business / Finance / Inflation Risk: Investments designed to hedge against inflation and the loss of purchasing power associated with it. MORE
Business / Finance / Inflation-Escalator Clause: The fact that future inflation rates are not known. It is a possible contributing factor to the makeup of the term structure of interest rates. MORE