Technology / Rockets / Hold Down: A mechanical clamp for securing a motor to a test stand or to secure an entire vehicle to a launch pad and may be remotely released.
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Hold Noun Synonyms: grasp, grip, clasp, seize, clutch, keep, carry, hang on to
Hold Adjective Synonyms: hug, embrace, clasp, cradle, clench, clutch, enfold
Hold Verb Synonyms: maintain, keep, put
Business / Finance / Option Holder: A person who has an option that has not been exercised. MORE
Business / Finance / Overwithholding: Deducting and paying too much tax that may be refunded to the taxpayer or applied against the next period's obligation. MORE
Business / Finance / Pay-Down: In a Treasury refunding, the amount by which the par value of the securities maturing exceeds that of those sold. In the context of general equities, paying a lower price in an accumulation of stock. MORE
Business / Internet Marketing / Payment Threshold: The minimum accumulated commission an affiliate must earn to trigger payment from an affiliate program. MORE