
Entertainment / Baseball / Ball: A pitch which does not enter the strike zone and is not struck at by the batter.
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Ball Boy or Girl

Entertainment / Tennis / Ball Boy or Girl: A boy (or girl) tasked with retrieving tennis balls from the court that have gone out of play. They also supply the balls to the players before their service so that the server can choose a suitable b MORE


Entertainment / Ballet / Ballerina: Italian for 'female dancer'. Ballerina is a principal female dancer of a ballet company. The male version of this term is danseur (French) or ballerino (Italian). MORE

Buys Ballots Law

Science / Weather / Buys Ballots Law: Describes the relationship of the horizontal wind direction to the pressure distribution. In the Northern Hemisphere, if one stands with one's back to the wind, the pressure on one's left is lower tha MORE


Entertainment / Literature / Ballad: In common parlance, song hits, folk music, and folktales or any song that tells a story are loosely called ballads. In more exact literary terminology, a ballad is a narrative poem consisting of quatr MORE

Live Ball Era

Entertainment / Baseball / Live Ball Era: This refers to the period of play beginning after the Dead Ball Era ended in 1920. MORE


Entertainment / Literature / Ballade: A French verse form consisting most often of three eight-line stanzas having the same rhyme pattern, followed by a four-line envoy. In a typical ballade, the last lines of each stanza and of the envoy MORE