Entertainment / Baseball / Base: The four points of the baseball diamond (first through third bases and home plate) that must be touched by a runner in order to score a run.
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Base Noun Synonyms: bottom, foot, support, stand, pedestal
Base Adjective Synonyms: low, undignified, cowardly, selfish, mean, despicable, contemptible, filthy, evil
Base Verb Synonyms: establish, found, secure, build, ground, anchor, fix, hinge, form, derive, draw
Business / Agriculture / Base (Or Contract) Acreage: A farm’s crop-specific acreage of wheat, feed grains, upland cotton, or rice eligible to enroll in commodity programs under previous legislation, and subsequently eligible for production flexibility MORE
Entertainment / Baseball / Bases Drunk: Bases loaded. MORE
Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Google Base: Free database of semantically structured information created by Google. Google Base may also help Google better understand what types of information are commercial in nature, and how they should struc MORE
Technology / Computers / 10BaseT: 10Mbps (Megabits per second) CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection) LAN that runs on Category 3 and better UTP/STP (unshielded twisted pair / shielded twisted pair) cabling. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Base Unit: Base units are units that are fundamental building blocks in a system of measurement. There are seven base units in the SI system. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Nitrate Base: Was an early flexible film support which was highly inflammable. MORE