Entertainment / Baseball / Batter: The offensive player who is currently positioned in the batter's box.
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Batter Verb Synonyms: beat, hit, strike, clout, belabour, pound, pummel or pommel, pelt, bash, smite, thrash, wallop, clobber
Entertainment / Baseball / Battery: Term referring to the pitcher and catcher combination. MORE
Technology / Cell Phones / Nickel Cadmium Battery (NiCd): A rechargeable battery that typically lasts for 700 charge and discharge cycles. If not completely discharged before recharging, the NiCd battery can suffer from memory effect that may reduce the life MORE
Technology / Cell Phones / Nickel Metal Hydride Battery (NiMH): A rechargeable battery that is capable of holding more power that a NiCd battery and suffers much less from memory effect. It is also typically more expensive than a NiCd battery. MORE
Entertainment / Baseball / Run Batter In (RBI): Statistics which shows how often a player has made it possible for his/her team mates to score while at bat. A player who has 30 RBI’s has caused 30 runs to be score. A batter is not credited with a MORE
Entertainment / Ballet / Batterie: A whole family of techniques involving jumps, where the feet cross quickly in front and behind each other, creating a flapping or 'beating' effect mid-air and brushing through first position. Also cal MORE
Technology / Cell Phones / Lithium-Ion Battery (Li-Ion): Lighter weight battery than earlier types, having relatively longer cycle life and generally do not suffer from memory effect. MORE